Establishes whether or not an item behaves like a hyperlink.

Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.ItemHyperlink[key]", Boolean)

[True | False]

Default: False

keyAn item's unique key

The ItemHyperlink property determines whether or not the item will react like a hyperlink when the user hovers over it. When enabled, the cursor changes to a hand and the data is underlined.


Use the DefHyperlink property to set the default hyperlink setting for new items.

// Make the item whose key is "Item1" a hyperlink 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_TREE", "OLE.ItemHyperlink[Item1]", 1) 

// Make all items a hyperlink 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_TREE", "OLE.ItemHyperlink[All]", 1)


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