Releases the handle to an SRP Hash Table.


SRP_HashTable("Release", Handles)


Handles@FM delimited list of handles to the SRP Hash Tables to be released (REQUIRED)


The Release service releases all the memory associated to the given SRP Hash Table handles. This method should always be called when a SRP Hash Table is no longer needed. However, if you forget to call this, SRP Utilities will clear the memory when OpenInsight closes. Still, it's a good idea so you don't have memory leaks while OpenInsight runs, especially if the OpenInsight application is expected to stay running for very long periods of time.


// Create a SRP Hash Table, add some stuff, then release it
Handle = SRP_HashTable("Create")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Sunday", "Holiday")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Monday", "Workday")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Tuesday", "Workday")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Wednesday", "Workday")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Thursday", "Workday")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Friday", "Workday")
SRP_HashTable("Set", Handle, "Saturday", "Holiday")
SRP_HashTable("Release", Handle)
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