Gets all the keys and their paired values of an SRP Hash Table in no particular order.


List = SRP_HashTable("GetKeyValuePairs", Handle, MajorDelim, MinorDelim)


A two-dimensional delimited list of the key-value pairs stored in the hash table


HandleHandle to an existing SRP Hash Table (REQUIRED)
MajorDelimDelimiter to insert between pairs (OPTIONAL)
MinorDelimDelimiter to insert between keys and their values (OPTIONAL)


The GetKeyValuePairs service returns all the keys and their paired values stored in the hash table as a delimited two-dimensional list. Each key-value pair will be delimited by the character you pass through the MajorDelim parameter, or field marks if you omit MajorDelim. Then, each key and it's value will be separated by the character you pass through the MinorDelim parameter, or a value mark if you omit MinorDelim.


// Get the key-value pairs using @FM and @VM
List = SRP_HashTable("GetKeyValuePairs", Handle)

// Get the key-value pairs using ~ and ,
List = SRP_HashTable("GetKeyValuePairs", Handle, "~", ",")
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