Finds the first element to match a given string.


SRP_FastArray("Match", Handle, StringToMatch, FieldPos, ValuePos, SubValuePos, Option)


HandleHandle to an existing SRP Fast Array (REQUIRED)
StringToMatchThe string containing the text you are trying to find.
FieldPosThe field position, if found, of the match. Also indicates which field to start searching.
ValuePosThe value position, if found, of the match. Also indicates which value to start searching.
SubValuePosThe sub-value position, if found, of the match. Also indicates which subvalue to start searching.
OptionsIf "MatchAnywhere", the match can occur anywhere in an element. If "MatchAll", only exact matches count.


The Match service locates an element within the list that matches the given string. The match is not case sensitive, but if the Option parameter is "MatchAll", then a match succeeds only when the string matches the entire element. If the Option parameter is set to "MatchAnywhere", then the first element contain the given string anywhere within itself is a match. For example, "Branded" is considered a match for "AND" because "and" appears within the element. When a match is found, the FieldPos, ValuePos, and SubValuePos parameters are set to the position of the match. If no match is found, all three parameters will be set to 0. "MatchAnywhere" is the default if this parameter is omitted.

IMPORTANT: The Match service will begin searching at the position specified in the FieldPos, ValuePos, and SubValuePos parameters. Set these to 1, or 0, to search from the beginning of the array. However, if you need to start the search elsewhere, then set the position in advance. For example, setting FieldPos to 3 tells the Match service to start looking for matches in field 3.


// Create a fast array
Handle = SRP_FastArray("Create", "Apple":@FM:"Banana":@FM:"Carrot")

// Find banana (MatchAll is the default)
SRP_FastArray("Match", Handle, "banana", FieldPos, ValuePos, SubValuePos)

// Result: FieldPos = 2, ValuePos = 1, SubValuePos = 1
// Find Doughnut
SRP_FastArray("Match", Handle, "doughnut", FieldPos, ValuePos, SubValuePos, "MatchAll")

// Result: FieldPos = 0, ValuePos = 0, SubValuePos = 0
// Find App anywhere
SRP_FastArray("Match", Handle, "app", FieldPos, ValuePos, SubValuePos, "MatchAnywhere")

// Result: FieldPos = 1, ValuePos = 1, SubValuePos = 1

// All done
SRP_FastArray("Release", Handle)
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