If you are looking to squeeze a little extra performance out of Fast Arrays, you can use these raw methods instead of SRP_FastArray.

SRP_FastArray_CountCounts the number of fields, values, or subvalues in an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_CreateCreates a new SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_DeletePerforms a DELETE on an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_ExtractPerforms an EXTRACT on an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_GetVariableConverts an SRP Fast Array back into a BASIC+ dynamic array.
SRP_FastArray_InsertPerforms an INSERT on an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_InsertFromListInserts an SRP List into an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_ReleaseReleases the handle to an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_ReplacePerforms a REPLACE on an SRP Fast Array.
SRP_FastArray_ReplaceWithListReplaces an element in an SRP Fast Array with an SRP List.

Don't forget to release your SRP Fast Array handles. Always.

Note that one major difference between the BASIC+ Insert, Delete, and Replace routines and the SRP Fast Array equivalent routines is that the BASIC+ routines always creates a new Array and returns it. SRP Fast Array does not do this since creating copies is the performance bottle neck SRP Fast Array is working to avoid.

Oh yeah, one more thing: don't forget to release your SRP Fast Array handles.

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