Changes the title text used when the application's taskbar buttons are grouped.


SRP_Taskbar("SET_GROUP_TITLE", Title)


Always returns "".


The SET_GROUP_TITLE service takes one parameter: the new title.


When an application is added to the Windows taskbar, a group button is automatically created. It remains hidden until Windows chooses to group the application buttons into one button. The text used for this button is based on the original EXE. For OpenInsight applications, it's always OINSIGHT.

Changing the name of oinsight.exe doesn't help, and this can be a cause for confusion for clients that do not know what OINSIGHT is.

The SET_GROUP_TITLE service can change this text, but only after the application has added itself to the taskbar. Therefore, it's best to use this service after your application's main window is created. All you need to supply is the new title. SET_GROUP_TITLE will find the group button associated with your application's oinsight.exe process.

Unfortunately, this does not yet work for Windows 7, which has a completely different API for the taskbar. However, support for Windows 7 is in the works and should be available in the near future.


// Change the taskbar group title from OINSIGHT to something our clients will recognize 
SRP_Taskbar("SET_GROUP_TITLE", "My Amazing App")
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