Multiplies two values.


Result = SRP_Math("MULTIPLY", Value1, Value2, DecimalPlaces, ScientificNotation)


The product of Value1 multiplied by Value2.


The MULTIPLY operation multiplies Value1 by Value2 and returns the result. Due to the nature of multiplying decimal numbers, the result will usually contain as many decimal places equal to the sum of decimal places in the two values. For example, if Value1 andValue2 both have 32 decimal places, the result can have up to 64 decimal places. Of course, you can use the DecimalPlaces parameter to round the result to the desired precision.

You can use MULT for short.


// Multiply PI by 3 
Val1 = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795" 
Val2 = "3" 
Result = SRP_Math("MULTIPLY", Val1, Val2) 
!! Result = 9.4247779607693797153879301498385 !! 
// Mulitply PI by E 
Val1 = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795" 
Val2 = "2.7182818284590452353602874713527" 
Result = SRP_Math("MULT", Val1, Val2) 
!! Result = 8.53973422267356706546355086954668447174445893592492906242717965 !!
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