Performs the exponential function of a value.
Result = SRP_Math("EXP", Value, "", DecimalPlaces, ScientificNotation)
The exponential function of Value.
The EXP operation computes the exponential function of Value. The exponential function is usually described as ex where 'x' is determined by Value and 'e' is the exponential constant.
Value can be any decimal or whole number, but if it is too large, 0.0 is returned. There is no error returned because the limit is based on available memory. Anything larger than 1000 causes the number to have so many digits, even the OI debugger fails to display it.
// Exponential function of PI Val = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795" Result = SRP_Math("EXP", Val) !! Result = 23.1406926327792690057290863679485 !!
// Exponential function of 100 Val = "100" Result = SRP_Math("EXP", Val) !! Result = 26881171418161354484126255515800000000000000.0 !!