Calculates the two-argument arc tangent of two values.
Result = SRP_Math("ARCTAN2", Value1, Value2, DecimalPlaces, ScientificNotation)
The two-argument arc tangent of Value1 and Value2.
The ARCTAN2 operation computes the two-argument arc tangent of Value1 and Value2. Value1 and Value2 can be any number so long as they aren't both zero, else the following error is returned:
"ERROR: Value1 and Value2 cannot both be zero."
The angle returned is in the range −π < result ≤ π
// Calculate the two-argument arc tangent of Log2 and PI Val1 = "0.227064512498507649434129923403947" Val2 = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795" Result = SRP_Math("ARCTAN2", Val1, Val2) !! Result = 0.0721514152774001451411908714883551 !!
// Attempting to calculate the two-argument arc tangent of // 0 and 0 results in an error Result = SRP_Math("ARCTAN2", 0, 0) !! Result = "ERROR: Value1 and Value2 cannot both be zero." !!