The source for the PHONE_FORMAT conversion is found in the SYSPROCS table, in the SYSPROG account. In addition to illustrating customized input and output conversions the code shows how to create a customized error message if the conversion fails. See the DisplayError internal subroutine, which sets Status() = 3 and uses the msg() function to display a customized error message.. The source is below:
compile SUBROUTINE PHONE_FORMAT( charstr CONV, charstr ANS, charstr BRANCH, charstr RETURN_DATA) * * PHONE_FORMAT is an example of a developer's custom prompt formatting * routine using the square brackets call. * * It should be placed in square brackets, like this: * * [PHONE_FORMAT] * * This subroutine should be used as the first and only "Validation Pattern" in * an OpenInsight control. Placed in "Conversion Pattern", it properly formats any * reasonable string of numbers into a consistent US telephone number format. * * mtr 5-29-01 Changed to conversion * mtr 3-18-02 Added '.' as a valid delimiter. ! begin condition pre: post: end condition * Subroutine declarations $insert msg_equates declare function msg * Local Equates * The STATUS() variable is used to indicate the error condition of the * pattern. They are: EQU VALID$ TO 0 ;* Successful EQU INVALID_MSG$ TO 1 ;* Bad Data - Print error message window EQU INVALID_CONV$ TO 2 ;* Bad Conversion - " " EQU INVALID_NOMSG$ TO 3 ;* Bad but do not print the error message window EQU THREEDGRAY$ TO 192 * Begin Conversion * RETURN_DATA = "" IF ANS NE "" THEN TEL = ANS ANS = "" STATUS() = VALID$ *DFLT_AREA_CODE = "" * PHONE_FORMAT can support a default area code. To assign a default * simply set the variable DFLT_AREA_CODE. In this example it is set to * null. *CONVERT " -()" TO "" IN DFLT_AREA_CODE *IF NUM( DFLT_AREA_CODE ) ELSE DFLT_AREA_CODE = "" CONVERT " -()." TO "" IN TEL * mtr CONVERT @LOWER.CASE TO @UPPER.CASE IN TEL CONVERT "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" TO "2223334445556667Q77888999Z" IN TEL IF NUM( TEL ) THEN LENGTH = LEN( TEL ) * Case statement to validate all possible types of phone numbers. If * a new format is required simply add another case. * The fall-through (CASE 1) traps invalid conversions. BEGIN CASE CASE LENGTH = 10 IF CONV EQ "OCONV" THEN RETURN_DATA = FMT( TEL, "L(###) ###-####") END ELSE RETURN_DATA = TEL END CASE LENGTH EQ 7 IF CONV EQ "OCONV" THEN RETURN_DATA = FMT( TEL, "L###-####") END ELSE RETURN_DATA = TEL END CASE 1 IF CONV = "ICONV" THEN gosub DisplayError END STATUS() = INVALID_NOMSG$ END CASE END ELSE IF CONV = "ICONV" THEN gosub DisplayError END STATUS() = INVALID_NOMSG$ END END RETURN * DisplayError: msgrec = "" msgrec<MCAPTION$> = "Data Validation Error" msgrec<MTEXT$> = TEL : " is not a valid phone number. Please enter a seven or ten digit number in any format." msgrec<MBKCOLOR$> = THREEDGRAY$:@VM:THREEDGRAY$:@VM:THREEDGRAY$ msgrec<MJUST$> = 'L' result = msg( "", msgrec) return