Fired when the user clicks on the button.


PointMouse cursor location relative the control's top left corner
ButtonThe button pressed during the click
ShiftIndicates whether or not the SHIFT key is down
CtrlIndicates whether or not the CTRL key is down


The OnClick event is fired when the user clicks the hyperlink.

The Point parameter contains the mouse cursors coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the control. It contains the x and y positions delimited by a comma, e.g, "100,100".

The Button parameter indicates the button that is used to fire the click event. This value is "Left" if the left mouse button was pressed, "Middle" if the middle mouse button was pressed, or "Right" if the right mouse button was pressed.

The Shift and Ctrl parameters indicate whether or not the SHIFT or CTRL keys, respectively, were pressed when the event was fired. If either key was pressed, then its corresponding parameter will have a value of 1.

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