
Provides a method for retrieving U2 error descriptions.


error = U2_Error(errCode1, errCode2, errText, errDetail)


The function has the following parameters:

errCode1An U2 error code.
errCode2An U2 error code.
errTextText returned by the U2_Error call.
errDetailDescription returned by the U2_Error call.


A boolean value. If true then an error


The 1st and 2nd parameters of the function are the same. If the 1st parameter exists the function will return the errText and errDetail for the 1st parameter. If the second parameter is valued the function will return the err text and errdeatil for the 2nd parameter. If both the 1st and 2nd parameters are valued the function will return the errText and errDetail for the 2nd parameter.

See also

U2 Routines


declare function errCode
errCode = "11001"
error = U2_Error(errCode, "", errText, errDetail)
* errTExt will contain "IE_NOSUPPORT"
* errDesc will contain "Function not supported on this system"



Error Codes

U2 Error Codes
10000;IE_FRST; First PI-specific error number
11000;IE_NOACCESS; Requested access denied      
11001;IE_NOSUPPORT; Function not supported on this system
11002;IE_NOTRELATIVE; Relative pathname expected and not given
11003;IE_PATHNOTFOUND; Pathname could not be found  
11004;IE_NOTASSIGNED; Device not assigned          
11005;IE_NODEVICE; Device not known             
11006;IE_ROFS; Device assigned with Read Only access
11007;IE_BADSTTY; Bad stty option when device assigned
11008;IE_UNKNOWN_USER; Attempting to send message to user not in PI
11009;IE_SND_REQ_REC; Sender requires receive enabled
11010;IE_MSG_REJECTED; Message rejected by recipient
14000;IE_PC_CLIB_FIRST; First error number in range  
14002;IE_ENOENT; No such file or directory    
14005;IE_EIO; I/O error                    
14009;IE_EBADF; Bad file number              
14012;IE_ENOMEM; No memory available          
14013;IE_EACCES; Permission denied            
14022;IE_EINVAL; Invalid argument             
14023;IE_ENFILE; File table overflow          
14024;IE_EMFILE; Too many open files          
14028;IE_ENOSPC; No space left on device      
14200;IE_BW_START; Beginning of range           
14495;IE_VSL_BADNETKEY; VSL network type not specified correctly
14499;IE_VSL_NONETMODULE; VSL network module not loaded
14500;IE_BW_BASE; Offset for error mapping     
14535;IE_BW_WOULDBLOCK; Operation would block        
14536;IE_BW_INPROGRESS; Operation now in progress    
14537;IE_BW_ALREADY; Operation already in progress
14538;IE_BW_NOTSOCK; Socket operation on non-socket
14539;IE_BW_DESTADDRREQ; Destination address required
14540;IE_BW_MSGSIZE; Message too long             
14541;IE_BW_PROTOTYPE; Protocol wrong type for socket
14542;IE_BW_NOPROTOOPT; Bad protocol option          
14543;IE_BW_PROTONOSUPPORT; Protocol not supported       
14544;IE_BW_SOCKTNOSUPPORT; Socket type not supported    
14545;IE_BW_OPNOTSUPP; Operation not supported on socket
14546;IE_BW_PFNOSUPPORT; Protocol family not supported
14547;IE_BW_AFNOSUPPORT; Addr family not supported by prot family
14548;IE_BW_ADDRINUSE; Address already in use       
14549;IE_BW_ADDRNOTAVAIL; Can't assign requested address
14550;IE_BW_NETDOWN; Network is down              
14551;IE_BW_NETUNREACH; Network is unreachable       
14552;IE_BW_NETRESET; Network dropped connection or reset
14553;IE_BW_CONNABORTED; Software caused connection abort
14554;IE_BW_CONNRESET; Connection reset by peer     
14555;IE_BW_NOBUFS; No buffer space available    
14556;IE_BW_ISCONN; Socket is already connected  
14557;IE_BW_NOTCONN; Socket is not connected      
14558;IE_BW_SHUTDOWN; Can't send after socket shutdown
14559;IE_BW_TOOMANYREFS; Too many references: can't splice
14560;IE_BW_TIMEDOUT; Connection timed out         
14561;IE_BW_CONNREFUSED; Connection refused           
14562;IE_BW_LOOP; Too many levels of symbolic links
14563;IE_BW_NAMETOOLONG; File name too long           
14564;IE_BW_HOSTDOWN; Host is down                 
14565;IE_BW_HOSTUNREACH; Host is unreachable          
14566;IE_BW_NOTEMPTY; Directory not empty          
14567;IE_BW_PROCLIM; Too many processes           
14568;IE_BW_USERS; Too many users               
14569;IE_BW_DQUOT; Disc quota exceeded          
14570;IE_BW_STALE; Stale NFS file handle        
14571;IE_BW_REMOTE; Too many levels of remote in path
14572;IE_BW_NOSTR; Device is not a stream       
14573;IE_BW_TIME; Timer expired                
14574;IE_BW_NOSR; Out of streams resources     
14575;IE_BW_NOMSG; No message of desired type   
14576;IE_BW_BADMSG; Trying to read unreadable message
14577;IE_BW_IDRM; Identifier removed           
14578;IE_BW_DEADLK; Deadlock condition.          
14579;IE_BW_NOLCK; No record locks available.   
14580;IE_BW_BADVERSION; Library/driver version mismatch
14581;IE_BW_INVALSOCK; Invalid argument             
14582;IE_BW_TOOMANYSOCK; Too many open sockets        
14583;IE_BW_FAULTSOCK; Bad address in sockets call  
14584;IE_BW_RESET; The socket has reset         
14585;IE_BW_NOTUNIQUE; Unique parameter required    
14586;IE_BW_NOGATEADDR; Gateway address required     
14587;IE_BW_SENDERR; The packet could not be sent
14588;IE_BW_NOETHDRVR; No driver or card failed init
14589;IE_BW_WRITPENDING; Queued write operation       
14590;IE_BW_READPENDING; Queued read operation        
14591;IE_BW_NOTCPIP; TCPIP not loaded             
14592;IE_BW_DRVBUSY; TCPIP busy                   
14999;IE_BW_END; End of range                 
22000;IE_ALI; Already initialised          
22001;IE_BFN;" bad field number (READV, WRITEV...)"
22002;IE_BTS; buffer.size too small or not valid number
22003;IE_IID; Illegal record ID            
22004;IE_LRR; last record read (READNEXT)  
22005;IE_NFI; file.tag is not a file identifier
22006;IE_NIN; Client library not initialised for this task
22007;IE_NLK; The file was not locked by your process
22008;IE_NPI; Prime INFORMATION is not available
22009;IE_STR; The FILEINFO result is a string.
22010;IE_MEM; no memory to DIM an array (OPEN)
22011;IE_RLS; Error releasing memory       
22012;IE_BPF; Bad Partitioned file         
22013;IE_ALG; Bad Partitioning algorithm   
22014;IE_NUP; Non-unique Part number       
22015;IE_DNA; Dynt not available           
30001;IE_RNF; Record not found             
30002;IE_LCK; File or record is locked by another user
30007;IE_FITF; File table (ie smm) full     
30010;IE_PAR; Bad parameter                
30011;IE_KEY; Bad key                      
30012;IE_EXS; File already exists in an attempt to create
30013;IE_WFT; Wrong file type: not segdir or dir
30014;IE_EXCL; File opened exclusively by another user
30015;IE_BRWL; Rwlock on file is wrong and can't be fixed
30016;IE_WSFT; Wrong subfile type           
30018;IE_SFNF; Subfile not found when expected
30019;IE_BMF; Bad header in memory file    
30020;IE_UFT; Unsupported file type        
30021;IE_UNKN; Unknown file type detected   
30031;IE_IOF; Illegal operation on file    
30049;IE_BSHR; Shared data for file doesn't match file
30052;IE_BLHP; Bad header in LH primary subfile
30053;IE_BLHO; Bad header in LH overflow subfile
30075;IE_NAM; Bad file name                
30086;IE_UFI; Unimplemented FILEINFO request
30094;IE_BIL; Bad ID length                
30095;IE_FIFS; Fileid is incorrect for session
30096;IE_USC;" Unsupport Server command, functions not availble let "
30097;IE_SELFAIL; Select Failed
30098;IE_LOCKINVALID; Lock number provided is invalid
30099;IE_SEQOPENED; Filed opened for sequential access and hashed access tried
30100;IE_HASHOPENED; Filed opened for hashed access and sequential access tried
30101;IE_SEEKFAILED; Seek command failed
30102;IE_DATUMERROR; Internal datum error
30103;IE_INVALIDATKEY; Invalid Key used for GET/SET at variables
30105;IE_UNABLETOLOADSUB; Unable to load subroutine on host
30106;IE_BADNUMARGS;" Bad number of arguments for subroutine, either too many or not enough "
30107;IE_SUBERROR; Subroutine failed to complete suceesfully
30108;IE_ITYPEFTC; IType failed to complete correctly
30109;IE_ITYPEFAILEDTOLOAD; IType failed to load
30110;IE_ITYPENOTCOMPILED; The IType has not been compiled
30111;IE_BADITYPE; It is not an itype or the itype is corrupt
30112;IE_INVALIDFILENAME; Filename is null
30113;IE_WEOFFAILED; Weofseq failed
30114;IE_EXECUTEISACTIVE; An execute is currently active
30115;IE_EXECUTENOTACTIVE; An execute is currently active
30116;IE_BADEXECUTESTATUS;" Internal execute error, execute has not return an expected status "
30117;IE_INVALIDBLOCKSIZE; Blocksize is invalid for call
30118;IE_BAD_CONTROL_CODE; Bad trans control code
30119;IE_BAD_EXEC_CODE; Execute did not send returncodes bad to client correctly
30120;IE_BAD_TTY_DUP; failure to dup ttys
30121;IE_BAD_TX_KEY; Bad Transaction Key
30122;IE_TX_COMMIT_FAILED; Transaction commit has failed
30123;IE_TX_ROLLBACK_FAILED; Transaction rollback has failed
30124;IE_TX_ACTIVE; A Transaction is active so this action is forbidden
30125;IE_CANT_ACCESS_PF; Can not access part files
30126;IE_FAIL_TO_CANCEL; failed to cancel an execute
30127;IE_INVALID_INFO_KEY; Bad key for ic_session_info
30128;IE_CREATE_FAILED; create of sequential file failed
30129;IE_DUPHANDLE_FAILED; Failed to duplicate a pipe handle
31000;IE_NVR; No VOC record                
31001;IE_NPN; No pathname in VOC record    
31002;IE_VNF; VOC file record not a File record
31100;IE_CFNEA; Clear file no exclusive access
33200;IE_LNA; Select list not active       
33201;IE_PAR1; Bad parameter 1              
33202;IE_PAR2; Bad parameter 2              
33203;IE_PAR3; Bad parameter 3              
33204;IE_PAR4; Bad parameter 4              
33205;IE_PAR5; Bad parameter 5              
33206;IE_PAR6; Bad parameter 6              
33207;IE_PAR7; Bad parameter 7              
33208;IE_PAR8; Bad parameter 8              
33209;IE_PAR9; Bad parameter 9              
33211;IE_BSLN; Bad select list number       
33212;IE_BPID; Bad partfile id              
33213;IE_BAK; Bad AK file                  
39000;IE_BAD_COMMAND; command not recognized by server
39001;IE_NO_LOGOUT; no way to perform a LOGOUT command
39002;IE_BAD_LENGTH; data.length not a valid number
39003;IE_NO_VOC; can't open the VOC file      
39004;IE_CLIENT_RESET; internal - client RESET received OK
39006;IE_TOOLONG_SRC; @SYSTEM.RETURN.CODE has more than 2 fields
39007;IE_KEY_NOT_IMP; interCALL server key not implemented
39008;IE_WRITE_FAILURE; WRITE failed and taken ELSE clause
39101;IE_NODATA; Host not responding          
39102;IE_SYNC_TIMEOUT; Synchroniser not received    
39103;IE_RCV_TIMEOUT; Timeout on receving packets  
39104;IE_HOSTERROR; Host length error on receive
39105;IE_NOT_READY;" Host does not give ready"""
39106;IE_NO_ACK; Packet not acknowledged      
39107;IE_NUM_TASKS; Too many concurrent user tasks
39108;IE_UDATA_LOCK; Could not lock user data block
39109;IE_LIBINUSE; Library in use               
39110;IE_DATA_LOSS; Host got incorrect length from PC
39111;IE_HOST_NNUM; Host response non-numeric    
39112;IE_HOST_DATA; Host length error on receive
39113;IE_HOST_RESPONSE; No data in host response     
39114;IE_NO_HOST_NAME; Host name missing from script file
39115;IE_SOCKET_CLOSED; Host has closed socket       
39116;IE_BAD_HOST_NAME; Failed to get address for this host
39117;IE_FATAL; Fatal error
39118;IE_BAD_ERROR;" Bad error number from host, i.e. error 0"
39119;IE_AT_INPUT; Server waiting for input
39120;IE_SESSION_NOT_OPEN; Session is not opened when an action has be tried on it
39121;IE_UVEXPIRED; The Universe license has expired
39122;IE_CSVERSION; Client or server is out of date Client/server functions have been updated
39123;IE_COMMSVERSION; Client or server is out of date comms support has been updated
39124;IE_BADSIG; Incorrect client/server being commuincated with
39125;IE_BADDIR;" The dicteroy you are connecting to, either is not a universe account or does not exist "
39126;IE_SERVERERR; An error has occurred on the server when trying to transmit an error code to the client ;
39127;IE_BAD_UVHOME; Unable to get the uv home coorectly ;
39128;IE_INVALIDPATH; Bad path found UV.ACCUNTS file ;
39129;IE_INVALIDACCOUNT; Account name given is not an account ;
39130;IE_BAD_UVACCOUNT_FILE; UV.ACCOUNT file could not be found to opened ;
39131;IE_FTA_NEW_ACCOUNT; Failed to attach to the account specified ;
39132;IE_NOT_UVACCOUNT; not a valid universe account ;
39133;IE_FTS_TERMINAL; failed to setup the terminal for server ;
39134;IE_ULR; user limited reached ;
39135;IE_NO_NLS; NLS support not available ;"prompt"""
39136;IE_MAP_NOT_FOUND; NLS map not found ;
39137;IE_NO_LOCALE; NLS locale support not available ;
39138;IE_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND; NLS locale not found ;
39139;IE_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND; NLS locale category not found ;
39200;IE_SR_CREATE_PIPE_FAIL; Server failed to create the slave pipes ;
39201;IE_SR_SOCK_CON_FAIL; Server failed to connect to socket ;
39202;IE_SR_GA_FAIL; Slave failed to give server the Go Ahead message
39203;IE_SR_MEMALLOC_FAIL; Failed to allocate memory for the message from the slave
39204;IE_SR_SLAVE_EXEC_FAIL; The slave failed to start correctly
39205;IE_SR_PASS_TO_SLAVE_FAIL; Failed to the pass the message to the slave correctly
39206;IE_SR_EXEC_ALLOC_FAIL; Server failed to allocate the memory for the execute buffer correctly
39207;IE_SR_SLAVE_READ_FAIL; Failed to read from the slave correctly
39208;IE_SR_REPLY_WRITE_FAIL; Failed to write the reply to the slave (ic_inputreply)
39209;IE_SR_SIZE_READ_FAIL; Failed to read the size of the message from the slave
39210;IE_SR_SELECT_FAIL; Server failed to select() on input channel
39211;IE_SR_SELECT_TIMEOUT; The select has timed out
80011;IE_BAD_LOGINNAME; login name or password provided is incorrect
80019;IE_BAD_PASSWORD; password provided has expired
80036;IE_REM_AUTH_FAILED; Remote authorisation failed
80144;IE_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED; The account has expired
80147;IE_RUN_REMOTE_FAILLED; Unable to run on the remote machine as the given user.
80148;IE_UPDATE_USER_FAILED; Unable to update user details.
81001;UVRPC_BAD_CONNECTION; connection is bad
81002;UVRPC_NO_CONNECTION; connection is down
81003;UVRPC_NOT_INITED; the rpc has not be initialised
81004;UVRPC_INVALID_ARG_TYPE; argument for message is not a valid type
81005;UVRPC_WRONG_VERSION; rpc version mismatch
81006;UVRPC_BAD_SEQNO; packet message out of step
81007;UVRPC_NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS; not more connections available
81008;UVRPC_BAD_PARAMETER; bad parameter passed to the rpc
81009;UVRPC_FAILED; rpc failed
81010;UVRPC_ARG_COUNT; bad number pf arguments for message
81011;UVRPC_UNKNOWN_HOST;" bad hostname, or host not responding "
81012;UVRPC_FORK_FAILED; rpc failed to fork service correctly
81013;UVRPC_CANT_OPEN_SERV_FILE; cannot find or open the unirpcserices file
81014;UVRPC_CANT_FIND_SERVICE; unable to find the service in the unirpcservices file
81015;UVRPC_TIMEOUT; connection has timed out
81016;UVRPC_REFUSED;" connection refused, unirpcd not running "
81017;UVRPC_SOCKET_INIT_FAILED; Failed to initialise the socket
81018;UVRPC_SERVICE_PAUSED; The unirpcd service on the server has been paused
81019;UVRPC_BAD_TRANSPORT; Invalid transport type
81020;UVRPC_BAD_PIPE; Bad pipe
81021;UVRPC_PIPE_WRITE_ERROR; Error writing to pipe
81022;UVRPC_PIPE_READ_ERROR; Error reading from pipe
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