
The POLYLINE message is used to print connected lines with the current line style. The line style is set with the LINESTYLE message.


ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
Parm1 - PointsX1:@VM:Y1:@FM:X2:@VM:Y2@FM between points, and @VM between X and Y""
Parm2 - Repeat<1> Repeat on all pages

0=Current page only

1=Print on all pages



The Points parameter sets the points between the lines. The format of the points is X:@VM:Y with @FM between points. The polyline will be printed on every page if the Repeat parameter is set.

See also

POLYGON Set_Printer Example, Using Graphics


* The following example shows how to use the POLYLINE message to print lines.
declare function Set_Printer
stat = Set_Printer("INIT") ;* Start printing
points = ""
points<1> = 1:@VM:1
points<2> = 2:@VM:2
points<3> = 3:@VM:1
stat = Set_Printer("POLYLINE", points, 1)
stat = Set_Printer("TERM") ;* End printing
  • No labels