
The DRAWCIRCLE message is used to print to a circle at a specific location on the page using the previously set Line and Fill styles.

This message must be sent after the TERM message and must be ended with the ENDOVERLAY message.


ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
Parm1 – Location<1> X1X position on the page of the center of the circle0
 <2> Y1Starting Y position on the page of the center of the circle0
 <3> RadiusThe radius of the circle0
 <4> StartStarting arc in degrees 
 <5> EndEnding arc in degrees 
Parm2 - Repeat<1> Boolean Repeat value

0 = Current Page Only

1 = Print on All Pages


See Also

LINESTYLE Set_Printer MessageFILLSTYLE Set_Printer Message


declare function Set_Printer
$Insert OIPRINT_Equates
spStatus = Set_Printer("INIT")
location = 4.25 : @fm : 5.75 : @fm : 2
spStatus = Set_Printer("DRAWCIRCLE",location,'')
spStatus = Set_Printer("TERM")
  • No labels