Same as a single-line If statement, except that the entire statement is evaluated as an expression, leaving only one of two values.
If test Then true_expression [Else false_expression]
- OR -
If test Else false_expression
The conditional If expression has the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
Test | An expression that equates to a Boolean value ¾ true (non-zero) or false (zero). |
true_expression, false_expression | The conditional-expression If allows the test for a condition where a statement cannot be used (in other words, where only a single line is available, and it must evaluate as an expression). It returns one of two values, depending on the result of the test expression. |
When test is true, then the value of true_expression is the result of the If expression. When the test is false (0 or null) the value of the false_expression is the result of the If expression. For example:
@ANS = If {CHANGED} Then "YES" Else "NO"
The dictionary record that contains the above code is used in a report that shows when a record has been changed. If the CHANGED field is not empty and contains anything other than a 0, then "YES" will be printed in the report.
The conditional-expression If must be written on a single line. The Then and Else clauses may only contain an expression.
Function MAX (X,Y) MAX=If X>Y Then X Else Y Return MAX