
Returns the amount of total space and available space (in bytes), for a particular drive.


DSpace(Drive, Unused, FreeClusters, SectorsPerCluster, BytesPerSector, TotalClusters)


The DSpace subroutine has the following parameters.

DriveThe physical drive letter for which the information will be returned. Pass the actual letter (such as C), omitting the colon.
UnusedIf available space is less than 2 gigabytes, returns the available space, otherwise is unused. For reliable results, see the example below.
FreeClustersNumber of free clusters. To get total available space, multiply by SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector.
SectorsPerClusterNumber of sectors per cluster.
BytesPerSectorNumber of bytes per sector.
TotalClustersNumber of total clusters. To get total space, multiply by SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector

Example 1

/* running DSpace from System Editor Command Line
   Compile this function
function ShowDiskSize(Disk)
declare subroutine DSpace
NotUsed           = 0    ;* available space in bytes (if <2GB)
FreeClusters      = 0
SectorsPerCluster = 0
BytesPerSector    = 0
TotalClusters     = 0
DSpace(Disk, NotUsed, FreeClusters, SectorsPerCluster, BytesPerSector, TotalClusters)
AvailableBytes = FreeClusters  * SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector
TotalBytes     = TotalClusters * SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector
return AvailableBytes: " of ": TotalBytes
From the System Editor Command Line, to display the available space on Drive C, type the following:
Run ShowDiskSize "C"

Example 2

/*  calling DSpace directly  */
declare subroutine DSpace
Disk              = "C"  ;* the drive letter
NotUsed           = 0    ;* available space in bytes (if <2GB)
FreeClusters      = 0
SectorsPerCluster = 0
BytesPerSector    = 0
TotalClusters     = 0
DSpace(Disk, NotUsed, FreeClusters, SectorsPerCluster, BytesPerSector, TotalClusters)
AvailableBytes = FreeClusters  * SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector
TotalBytes     = TotalClusters * SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector
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