Shows the state of the stack and all its documents.
SRP_JsonX_Trace displays the SRP JsonX stack in its current state in a formatted message box. Each line represents a document on the stack. The top line is the active document. Each document displays it's name, current element and the current element's type.
$insert SRPJSONX SRP_JsonX_Begin('FirstDoc', '{') SRP_JsonX_Begin('SecondDoc', '[') SRP_JsonX_Begin('ThirdDoc', '{') SRP_JsonX('employees', '[') SRP_JsonX('{') SRP_JsonX('firstname', 'John') SRP_JsonX('lastname', 'Doe') SRP_JsonX('age', 21) SRP_JsonX('}') SRP_JsonX('{') SRP_JsonX('firstname', 'Anna') SRP_JsonX('lastname', 'Smith') SRP_JsonX('age', 32) SRP_JsonX_Trace() SRP_JsonX('}') SRP_JsonX('{"firstname":"Peter", "lastname":"Jones", "age":43}') SRP_JsonX(']') SRP_JsonX('count', 4) SRP_JsonX('active', 1, 'Bool') SRP_JsonX('alwaysnull') SRP_JsonX('alwaysstring', 4.321, 'String') Json = SRP_JsonX_End('Pretty') SRP_JsonX_End() SRP_JsonX_End()