Used to set attributes for the file mask used by the InitDir statement and DirList function.
SetInitDirOptions (attributes)
The attributes parameter is a combination of the following characters:
N Normal
A Archive
R Read-only
H Hidden
S System
D sub-Directories
V Volume label
T Temporary
C Compressed
The "-" syntax is supported to exclude file types.
To specify the default attributes, pass null ("") for the attributes parameter. The default attributes are "-R-H-S-D".
To use SetInitDirOptions, call it before using the InitDir statement.
The options are automatically reset after use. In other words, you do not have to reset the options after using SetInitDirOptions/InitDir/DirList because they are reset to their defaults automatically. This means that you must use SetInitDirOptions before each InitDir if you do not want to use the default options.
See also
Function Test_SetInitDirOptions(parent) Declare Function dirlist, Unassigned, Msg Declare subroutine setinitdiroptions, initdir dir = "C:\*.*" * Return the default option InitDir dir list_default = dirList() * Return the default option SetInitDirOptions("") InitDir dir list_all = dirList() * Returns Subdirectories SetInitDirOptions("D") InitDir dir list_directories = dirList() * Returns hidden files SetInitDirOptions("H") InitDir dir list_hidden = dirList() * Returns ReadOnly files SetInitDirOptions("R") InitDir dir list_readonly = dirList() * Returns system files SetInitDirOptions("S") InitDir dir list_system = dirList() * Returns archived fileds SetInitDirOptions("A") InitDir dir list_archive = dirList() * Returns normal files SetInitDirOptions("N") InitDir dir list_normal = dirList() * Returns temporary files SetInitDirOptions("T") InitDir dir list_temporary = dirList() * Returns compressed files SetInitDirOptions("C") InitDir dir list_compressed = dirList() * Return the default option SetInitDirOptions("-R-H-S-D") InitDir dir list_all = dirList() * Return hidden and read only files SetInitDirOptions("HR") InitDir dir list_hidden_and_readonly = dirList() * Return hidden but not read only files SetInitDirOptions("H-R") InitDir dir list_hidden_and_not_readonly = dirList() * Return Directories which are hidden and read only SetInitDirOptions("HDR") InitDir dir list_hidden_and_readonly_and_dirs = dirList() Return