This function will update the contents of a binary variable.
retval = PutBinaryValue(variable, offset, varType [,varSize])
The function has the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
variable | A binary structure. |
offset | A 1-based offset at which to start the insertion. |
varType | Type of variable you want to insert. This is the same as it is for GetValue, LockVariable. |
varSize | The size, in bytes, of the data to be inserted. For CHAR, ACHAR, UCHAR, WCHAR or BINARY varTypes. |
A buffer must be allocated using the right size or there will be an overflow error.
See also
ANSI_Unicode(), Unicode_ANSI(), GetByteSize(), GetBinaryValue()
/* This example takes the following steps: 1. Converts an ANSI string to UNICODE 2. Determines the length of the 2 strings 3. Creates a buffer for the length of both strings 4. Places the strings into the buffer 5. Converts the buffer string to ANSI */ unicodeString = "" uniCodeString = ANSI_Unicode( "An Example" ) uniCodeLength = GetByteSize( uniCodeString ) moreText = ANSI_Unicode( " of the PutBinaryValue routine" ) moreLength = GetByteSize( moreText ) buffer = str( \00\, uniLength + moreLength ) PutBinaryValue( buffer, 1, CHAR, uniCodeString ) PutBinaryValue( buffer, uniLength + 1, CHAR, moreText) * Convert the string back to ANSI newString = Unicode_ANSI( buffer )