
This function will update the contents of a binary variable.


retval = PutBinaryValue(variable, offset, varType [,varSize])


The function has the following parameters:

variableA binary structure.
offsetA 1-based offset at which to start the insertion.
varTypeType of variable you want to insert. This is the same as it is for GetValueLockVariable.
varSizeThe size, in bytes, of the data to be inserted. For CHAR, ACHAR, UCHAR, WCHAR or BINARY varTypes.


A buffer must be allocated using the right size or there will be an overflow error.

See also



/* This example takes the following steps:
1. Converts an ANSI string to UNICODE
2. Determines the length of the 2 strings
3. Creates a buffer for the length of both strings
4. Places the strings into the buffer
5. Converts the buffer string to ANSI
unicodeString = ""
uniCodeString = ANSI_Unicode( "An Example" )
uniCodeLength = GetByteSize( uniCodeString )
moreText = ANSI_Unicode( " of the PutBinaryValue routine" )
moreLength = GetByteSize( moreText )
buffer = str( \00\, uniLength + moreLength )
PutBinaryValue( buffer, 1, CHAR, uniCodeString )
PutBinaryValue( buffer, uniLength + 1, CHAR, moreText)
* Convert the string back to ANSI
newString = Unicode_ANSI( buffer )
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