Applies to

Drop Source controls


A boolean property denoting if a drop source control allows a copy operation.


dropCopy = Get_Property (dropSource, "DROPCOPY")

existingState = Set_Property (dropSource,"DROPCOPY", bValue)


Values passed in Set_Property():

bValueBoolean true (1) or false (0)

By default the DROPCOPY property is set to 1. If the Drag Source control does not allow a copy operation then setting this property to True will have no effect. OpenInsight will set this property before calling the DRAGOVER event based upon the restrictions of the Drag Source.

When overriding the default property of the Drop Target control, this property should be set during the DRAGOVER event.


Values returned by Get_Property and Set_Property

dropCopythe Boolean status of the control’s DROPCOPY.
existingStatethe Boolean status of the control’s DROPCOPY, when Set_Property was run.

See Also

DROPSOURCE propertyDROPMOVE property


Declare function Get_Property, Set_Property
* Turn the DROPCOPY property off on the Dragover event.
dropSource = Get_Property("SYSTEM","DROPSOURCE")
dropCopy = Set_Property(dropSource,"DROPCOPY",0)
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