Applies to
Edit box.
Set and retrieve RTF text from an edit box which has the Rich Editor property set.
When using Get_Property, RTF will be returned regardless of whether the text was formatted using RTF code or using the SetCharFormat message.
rtftext = Get_Property (objectname, ”RTFTEXT”)
existingrtftext = Set_Property (objectname, ”RTFTEXT”, text)
Values passed in Set_Property():
Value | Description |
text | RTF formatted text. |
Values returned by Get_Property and Set_Property
Value | Description |
rtftext | The RTF text within the edit box. The text returned is CRLF delimited. |
existingrtftext | The existing RTF text, when Set_Property was run. |
See Also
Declare function Get_Property, Set_Property rtftext = '{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033' rtftext:= '{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}' rtftext:= '{\*\generator Msftedit;}' rtftext:= '\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 ' rtftext:= 'This is line of text with a \b bold\b0' rtftext:= ' \i italicized\i0 \b\i word\b0\i0 .' rtftext:= '\par}' x = Set_Property(@window:'.EDITBOX','RTFTEXT',rtftext)