
Returns or sets properties of a table cell or range from an ADDTABLE command.

To use this option you must precede the addtable message with a starttable and you must follow the TABLECELL message with an ENDTABLE message.


An @fm delimited array of parameters.

ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
SettingType of setting to be modified.SEE PROPERTIES BELOW.""
Row1Starting row of cells to be modified ""
Col1Starting column of cells to be modified  
Row2Ending row of cells to be modifiedNull if changing only 1 cell.Row 1
Col2Ending column of cells to be modifiedNull if changing only 1 cell.Col 1
ValueProperty changeBased on the setting parameter.

ex. If the property is background color this contains the RGB or OIPRINT_EQUATES color.



colFormat = '<_1440':@vm:'<_1440':@vm:'<_1440'
colHeader = 'Column 1':@vm:'Column 2':@vm:'Column 3'
data = ''
for i = 1 to 30
   data<-1> = 'Col 1 - ':i:@vm:'Col 2 - ':i:@vm:'Col 3 ':i
next i
* Set First Column to Bold
* Set Second Column to Underline

See also

STARTTABLE Set_Printer MessageENDTABLE Set_Printer MessageADDTABLE Set_Printer Message


These properties are outline in OIPI_EQUATES.

Table Properties: These settings affect the entire table.

TcIndent0Returns or sets the indent for the table. You may specify units with this value (the default unit is twips).
TcRows1Returns or sets the number of rows on the table. The header row is not included in this count. If you change the number of rows, rows are added or deleted from the bottom of the table.
TcCols2Returns or sets the number of columns on the table. If you change the number of columns, columns are added or deleted from the right of the table.
TcInsertRow3Inserts a row at the specified position (Row1).
TcInsertCol4Inserts a column at the specified position (Col1).
TcDeleteRow5Deletes the row at the specified position (Row1).
TcDeleteCol6Deletes the column at the specified position (Col1).

Row Properties: These settings affect entire rows or row ranges. The Col1 and Col2 parameters are ignored:

TcRowHeight7Returns or sets the height of the rows. The header row has index zero. You may specify units with this value (the default unit is twips).
TcRowBorder8Returns or sets whether the rows will have a border drawn above them. Possible values are: 0 (no border), 1 (force border), and 2 (honor TableBorder setting).
TcRowData9Returns or sets a Variant associated with the row. This value is for your own use, and is not used by the control.
TcRowSource10Returns or sets the array row used as a data source for the table row. This setting only applies if the table was bound to an array (with the AddTableArray method). Note that array indices are zero-based, and table indices are one-based.
TcRowKeepWithNext11Returns or sets whether the control should prevent page breaks after the rows.
TcRowIsSubHeader12Returns or sets whether the row should become the table header after it is rendered (useful for subtitles).
TcRowSpaceBefore34Returns or sets the amount of vertical space to insert before each cell on the row.
TcRowSpaceAfter35Returns or sets the amount of vertical space to insert after each cell on the row.
TcRowBorderAbove36Returns or sets the thickness of a custom border to be drawn above the row.
TcRowBorderBelow37Returns or sets the thickness of a custom border to be drawn below the row.
TcRowBorderColor38Returns or sets the color of the custom borders drawn above and below the row.
TcRowNewPage39Returns or sets whether the row should be the first on a page (forcing a page break if necessary).
TcRowKeepTogether40Returns or sets whether the row should be kept together on a page or whether it can be broken and rendered on two pages.

Column Properties: These settings affect entire columns or column ranges. The Row1 and Row2 parameters are ignored:

TcColWidth13Returns or sets the width of the columns. You may specify units with this value (the default unit is twips).
TcColBorder14Returns or sets whether the columns will have a border drawn on their right-hand side. Possible values are: 0 (no border), 1 (force border), and 2 (honor TableBorder setting).
TcColData15Returns or sets a Variant associated with the column. This value is for your own use, and is not used by the control.
TcColSource16Returns or sets the array column used as a data source for the table column. This setting only applies if the table was bound to an array (with the AddTableArray method). Note that array indices are zero-based, and table indices are one-based.
TcColAlign31Returns or sets the alignment for the column. Valid settings are the same used with the TextAlign property.
TcColNoWrap32Returns or sets whether long text entries should be allowed to wrap within cells on this column.
TcColSkipRepeats33Returns or sets whether repeated text entries (with the same text as the cell above) should be skipped on this column.
TcColBorderLeft43Returns or sets the thickness of a custom border to be drawn to the left of this column.
TcColBorderRight44Returns or sets the thickness of a custom border to be drawn to the right of this column.
TcColBorderColor45Returns or sets the color of the custom borders drawn to the left and right of this column.

Cell Properties: These settings affect individual cells or cell ranges:

TcColSpan17Returns or sets the number of columns that the cell should span (column merging).
TcText18Returns or sets the cell text. If the table is bound to an array, setting the property will change the table, but not the source array.
TcAlign19Returns or sets the alignment of text in the cells. Valid settings are the same used with the TextAlign property.
TcBackColor20Returns or sets the background color for the cell.
TcForeColor21Returns or sets the foreground (text) color for the cell.
TcFont22Returns or sets the cell font.
TcFontName23Returns or sets the name of the cell font.
TcFontSize24Returns or sets the size of the cell font.
TcFontBold25Returns or sets the bold attribute of the cell font.
TcFontItalic26Returns or sets the italic attribute of the cell font.
TcFontUnderline27Returns or sets the underline of the cell font.
TcFontStrikethru28Returns or sets the strikethrough attribute of the cell font.
TcPicture29Returns or sets the cell picture.
TcPictureAlign30Returns or sets the alignment of pictures in the cells. Valid settings are the same used with the TextAlign property.
TcRowSpan41Returns or sets the number of rows that the cell should span (row merging).
TcVertical42Returns or sets whether the cell text should be rendered in the vertical direction.
  • No labels