
Version 3.0.1 add even more setup features to make it easier to create, debug, and log RESTful web services.

HTTP Framework Setup

Introduced in v3.0.0, the NDW_HTTP_FRAMEWORK_SETUP form includes more options:




Version 3.0.0 introduces new features to make it easier to configure setup values and to accept special URLs without requiring authentication.


This form can be used to configure all setup parameters without the need to edit the SRP_HTTP_FRAMEWORK_SETUP record directly.

Non-Authenticated URLs

A new setup parameter has been created to store one or more URLs that should pass through the authentication logic. The HTTP_Authentication_Services module has been updated to verify if the URL requires authentication. If not, the current URL request is marked as authenticated so it can continue to be processed by the end point API.

This feature is helpful when OAuth-type requests need to be supported. OAuth relies upon communication between trusted servers, away from client-side web and mobile applications. This is part of the security mechanism of OAuth. Generally, these URLs cannot be configured to support server-side authentication so these need to be allowed through without authentication.

HTTP_MCP and Logging

The logging feature of HTTP_MCP has been updated to provide more useful information in the response log. In addition to the basic response information (e.g., status code, response headers, and the body), metadata for the URL request itself is added so that it is easier to match the request to the response. Additionally, the time to execute the request from start to finish is also included as a way of helping developers identify potential bottlenecks. Here is an example of an updated response log:

Time to Execute: 00h 00m 00s 875ms
Request Method : POST
Request URL    : https://api.srpcs.com/srpteam/users/don
Status: 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 129
   "URL" : "https://api.srpcs.com/srpteam/users/don",
   "method" : "POST",
   "phrase" : "Created",
   "status" : 201