
CFG_OIBRW is another configuration record which is stored in the SYSENV system table. Its purpose is to control how the Banded Report Writer (BRW) connects to OpenInsight (i.e., OpenEngine) and which stored procedure to use as a filter for locating data sources.

Like other configuration records, CFG_OIBRW can be named to be applicable to all applications and users, or limited to a specific application and a specific user. Multiple CFG_OIBRW records can exist in this way, where the more specific configuration will always take precedence over the more generic configurations:

CFG_OIBRWAll applications and all users
CFG_OIBRW*AppNameAll users in the AppName application
CFG_OIBRW**UserNameOnly users matching UserName, but for all applications
CFG_OIBRW*AppName*UserNameOnly user matching UserName and only the AppName application

Default Configuration

Each attribute setting within the configuration record will have its own way of resolving default behavior (see the Settings section below for more information), but if no applicable CFG_OIBRW configuration record can be found, then helper routines like RTI_BRW_GenerateReport will assume the following settings:

<1> .
<3> *
<4> 0
<5> 0

Attributes 2, 7, 8, and 9 will be empty.


The configuration settings for CFG_OIBRW are varied and can cause unexpected behavior if not set up properly. This can be anywhere from the wrong database tables being used versus OpenInsight crashing. Therefore, while the settings information is provided for thoroughness, see the following Recommended Configurations section for examples that will work well. 

Connect Mode



Direct Connect mode - The period character tells the BRW to directly connect to a local engine (via REVCAP32.DLL as opposed to the EngineServer) from the working directory (which is derived using the Drive() function). The actual engine used (i.e., in-process, existing named, or newly launched) is determined by attributes 3 and 4 (see below). This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing and the default behavior if this attribute is left empty.

Note: This applies only when using RTI_BRW_GenerateReport. RTI_BRWSupport's DISPLAY action and Set_Printer's LOADREPORT message both use OIPI.Net, and thus operate under a different configuration.

Windows Path

Direct Connect mode - Tells the BRW to directly connect to a local engine (via REVCAP32.DLL as opposed to the EngineServer) using the specified path.

Note: Specifying a path other than the working directory is meant to allow the BRW to access tables local to that path. However, in practice the BRW still uses the engine from the working directory.

URLEngineServer mode - Connects to the EngineServer at the indicated URL. Note, this could also be a local URL (e.g., which works the same as localhost (see next entry.)
localhostEngineServer mode - Connects to the EngineServer on the local machine. This is useful for web servers running OECGI.
!Special mode - Tells the BRW to use information stored in the eserver configuration record.
EmptyTells the BRW to use the default setting, which is the . (i.e., period) character.
EngineServer Port

Port #EngineServer mode only - Port that the EngineServer is communicating through (e.g., 8088). This should be empty if attribute 1 is configured for Direct Connect mode.
EmptyDirect Connect mode only - Indicates no port to be used. This is the proper value if attribute 1, Connect Mode, is configured for Direct Connect. This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing and the default behavior if this attribute is left empty.
Engine Name


*The asterisk character tells the BRW to connect to the current engine (which is derived using the SYSTEM object's SERVERNAME property). This is also referred to as "sharing" the engine. This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing, but it is not the default behavior if the attribute is left empty. It has a known downside of memory leaks, which can causes OpenInsight to crash when closing.
Engine Name

The name of a specific engine, either TCP/IP Port or Named Pipe. Attribute 4, Startup Flags, determine if this should be an already running engine or if it should be created.

EmptyTells the BRW to use default behavior. As of OpenInsight v9.3, the default behavior is to create a new engine rather than share the engine.
Startup Flags



Only connect to engines that already exist. Always use this value if attribute 3, Engine Name, has the * value. This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing, but it is not the default behavior if this attribute is left empty.

Note: Only use this value if the engine specified by attribute 3, Engine Name, is already running.

1 (or 65)Always create a new engine. This is the default value if this attribute is left empty.
1 = Show engine UI.
65 = Hide engine UI. 
2 (or 66)

Use the current engine if possible, else create a new one.
2 = Show engine UI.
66 = Hide engine UI.

Note: This value will use the engine specified by attribute 3, Engine Name, if it is already running or it will create a new engine.

EmptyTells the BRW to use the default setting, which is 65 (i.e., create a new engine but hide the engine UI.)
Shutdown Flags



Do not close the engine when the report is finished. Always use this value if attribute 3, Engine Name, has the * value. This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing, but it is not the default behavior if this attribute is left empty.


Close the engine when the report is finished.

Note: Only use this setting when the Startup Flag was used to create the engine. This will have no effect on engines which already existed.

EmptyTells the BRW to use the default setting, which is 1 (i.e., close the engine when the report is finished.)
Filter Routine

Stored Procedure

Name of the stored procedure used by the BRW as a callback for different filter requests. The most important of these requests define which sources of data (tables, columns, or programmatic data sources) are allowed to be used by the BRW. This is useful if the Banded Report Designer needs to restrict access for certain users. See the CFG_OIBRW Configuration for more information.

Note: If the filter routine is invalid the BRW will not operate.

EmptyTells the BRW to use RTI_BRW_FILTER as the filter routine. This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing and the default behavior if this attribute is left empty.

UTF8 Mode


1Force the BRW to use UTF8 mode.
0Force the BRW to use ANSI mode.
EmptyUses the UTF8 mode of OpenInsight (which is derived using the IsUTF8() function). This is the default value if CFG_OIBRW is missing and the default behavior if this attribute is left empty.

Debug Log


Log SuffixTells the RTI_BRW_GenerateReport and RTI_BRWSupport routines to generate a debug log in the SYSLISTS table. The Key ID is DEBUG_<Log Suffix>. Hence, if the value in this attribute is BRW_LOG then the Key ID will be DEBUG_BRW_LOG.
EmptyNo debug log is generated.

Recommended Configurations

As noted above, not all configurations work equally well. Some will cause OpenInsight to crash or leave various processes hanging in the Task Manager. There are three basic options to consider, each one has advantages and disadvantages: