
Method for getting the entity's description information.


retval = Repository("GETLOGHISTORY" entID)


The GETLOGHISTORY method has the following parameters.

entIDentID consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited:
  • Application name
  • Type ID
  • Class ID
  • Entity name
 Methods are executed as follows: if class specific, execute at the class level; if type specific, execute at the type level; otherwise, execute the method.


A field mark delimited list of history items associated with this entity. Each history item contains the date and time, repository operation (COMPILE, CHECKIN, CHECKOUT, ACCESS, etc.), application ID, and description, separated by tab characters (Char(9)). The list corresponds to the Entity...History log from the Repository outline, illustrated below:

Note: Always call the Get_Status function after calling Repository.

See also

Repository() functionGet_Repos_Entities().


/* Get the log history for the CENTERWINDOW stored procedure into the variable called result */
Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities, Repository, Get_Status
AppID = @APPID<1>  ;* current application
TypeID = "STPROC"  ;* OpenInsight stored procedures
ClassID = ""  ;* Not Applicable
Stored_Proc_Name = 'CENTERWINDOW'
entid = AppID : '*' : TypeID : '*' : ClassID : '*' : Stored_Proc_Name
result = Repository("GETLOGHISTORY", entid)
/*  result now contains the evaluate flag of CENTERWINDOW in Field 1 and notes for the entity in Field 2*/
If Get_Status(ErrCode) then
  call msg(@window, 'Error Message returned: ' : ErrCode)