Fired when the user expands or collapses an entity or group in the tree.


ItemIDID of the group or entity
ExpandedWhether the item or expanded or collaped
GroupWhether the item was a group or entity


The OnTreeItemExpanded event fires when the user expands or collapses a group or entity item in the tree control. The ItemID will contains the unique ID of the item. If the user expanded the item, then Expanded will be 1. If the user collapsed the item, then Expanded will be 0. Group will 1 if the item is a group or 0 if the item is an entity.


Transfer Param1 to ItemID 
Transfer Param2 to Expanded 
Transfer Param3 to Group 

// Perform special logic when user expands a group 
If Group AND Expanded then 
   // TODO: Add logic here 
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