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/* The following function fragment locks a row, then reads it, does some unspecified processing, and then unlocks the row, before concluding. */ Equate TRUE$ To 1 Equate FALSE$ To 0 table = "SAMPLE_CUSTOMERS" key = 8 status = "" Open table To tablevar Then locked = FALSE$ Loop Lock tablevar,key Then locked = TRUE$ End Else /* set up delay for network server access */ For ctr = 1 To 1000 Next End Until Locked Repeat * we're locked, now read Read @RECORD From tablevar,key Then /* do row processing here */ End * now, unlock the row we've written back UnLock tablevar,key Else Status = Set_FSError() /* A row should always unlock first time out. */ End End Else ;* table fails to open status = Set_FSError() End ;* table taken care of Return status |
Note: Locking a table or row is not a guarantee that it will not be changed by another user. All programs must contain Lock logic to ensure that tables or rows are not simultaneously updated.