Page History
Service | Description |
ABSOLUTEVALUE | Returns the absolute value of a value. |
SRP_Math ADD | Adds two values. |
ARCCOS | Calculates the arc cosine of a value. |
ARCCOSH | Calculates the hyperbolic arc cosine of a value. |
ARCSIN | Calculates the arc sine of a value. |
ARCSINH | Calculates the hyperbolic arc sine of a value. |
ARCTAN | Calculates the arc tangent of a value. |
ARCTAN2 | Calculates the two-argument arc tangent of two values. |
ARCTANH | Calculates the hyperbolic arc tangent of a value. |
CEILING | Rounds a value upward to the nearest integer. |
COMPARE | Compares two values. |
COS | Calculates the cosine of a value. |
COSH | Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a value. |
CUBEROOT | Takes the cube root of a value. |
DECIMAL | Determines whether a value is a decimal number or integer. |
DIVIDE | Divides two values. |
EVEN | Determines if a value is even. |
EXP | Performs the exponential function of a value. |
EXPONENT | Returns the exponent component of a value. |
FACTORIAL | Computes the factorial of a value. |
FLOOR | Rounds a value downward to the nearest integer. |
GCD | Computes the greatest common divisor of two values. |
INT | Returns the integer component of a value. |
LCM | Computes the least common multiple of two values. |
LOG | Takes the natural logarithm of a value. |
LOG10 | Takes the common logarithm of a value. |
MULTIPLY | Multiplies two values. |
NEGATE | Negates a value. |
NONE | Returns the value without performing any calculations. |
ODD | Determines if a value is odd. |
POW | Raises a value to the power of another value. |
RANDOM | Generates a random value. |
ROUND | Rounds a value to a given decimal place. |
SIGDIGITS | Returns the number of significant digits in a value. |
SIGN | Returns the sign of a value. |
SIN | Calculates the sine of a value. |
SINH | Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a value. |
SQUAREROOT | Takes the square root of a value. |
SUBTRACT | Subtracts two values. |
TAN | Calculates the tangent of a value. |
TANH | Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of a value. |