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index:@fm:name, where the index specifies the filter/list number (position within TypeDesc) and the name is either a fully qualified entity id (if bFilter<index> is true) or the item selected from the list.
See also
Code Block |
* Create an Open Dialog for all Native Reports and launch the * opened report Declare Function Repository $Insert Logical $Insert GetEntity_Equates mode = GE_MODE_OPEN$ Type_Desc = 'Banded Reports':@fm:'Report Builder Reports' bFilter = True$ : @fm : True$ Display = 'OIREPORT*BRWLAYOUT' : @fm : 'OIREPORT*RBLAYOUT' Item_Label = "Banded Reports" : @fm : "Report Builder Reports" List_Label = "Report Type" : @fm : "Type of Reports" Default_Item = "" Default_Type = "" options = "" options<1> = "Run Reports" options<2> = 1 options<3> = "Run Reports" options<4> = "Select a Report to Run" ReposID = GetEntity(Mode, Type_Desc, bFilter, Display, | Item_Label, List_Label, Default_Item, Default_Type,Options) If ReposID then report_info = Repository('EXECUTE', ReposID<2>) end |