Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
Function Customers_API(@API)

    This program is proprietary and is not to be used by or disclosed to others, nor is it to be copied without written
    permission from SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

    Name        :   Customers_API

    Description :   API logic for the Customers resource.

    Notes       :   All web APIs should include the API_SETUP insert. This will provide several useful variables:

                        HTTPMethod              - The HTTP Method (Verb) submitted by the client (e.g., GET, POST, etc.)
                        APIURL                  - The URL for the API entry point (e.g.,
                        FullEndpointURL         - The URL submitted by the client, including query params.
                        FullEndpointURLNoQuery  - The URL submitted by the client, excluding query params.
                        ParentURL               - The URL path preceeding the current endpoint.
                        CurrentAPI              - The name of this stored procedure.

    Parameters  :
        API             [in] -- Web API to process. Format is [APIPattern].[HTTPMethod]:
                                    - APIPattern must follow this structure Customers[.ID.[<Property>]]
                                    - HTTPMethod can be any valid HTTP method, e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
                                    - Customers.POST
                                    - Customers.ID.PUT
                                    - Customers.ID.firstName.GET
        Response       [out] -- Response to be sent back to the Controller (HTTP_MCP) or requesting procedure. Web API
                                services do not rely upon anything being returned in the response. This is what the
                                various services like SetResponseBody and SetResponseStatus services are for. A response
                                value is only helpful if the developers want to use it for debug purposes.

    History     :   (Date, Initials, Notes)
        05/15/19    xxx     Original programmer.


#pragma precomp SRP_PreCompiler

$insert API_SETUP

GoToAPI else
    // The specific resource endpoint doesn't have a API handler yet.
    HTTP_Services('SetResponseStatus', 200, 'This is a valid endpoint but a web API handler has not yet been created.')

Return Response OR ''

// Endpoint Handlers

API customers.GET


end api

The actual APIs are identified by the API keyword followed by the resource name and the HTTP method (e.g., API customers.GET). All API logic terminates when the end api line is reached.

When new APIs are defined, the SRP HTTP Framework automatically adds a call to the LoremIpsum service (a member of the HTTP_Resource_Services module). This provides ready-to-run functionality for the API so that the endpoint can be tested immediately. For instance, we can now use an API test utility like Postman to make a request:

Image Added

Note, the above API was tested with the default credentials properly entered. If you are not sure how credentials are handled then please read the How do I add security to my API? article.