Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


January 17, 2024

  • Fixed syntax coloring bug when using multibyte UTF-16 characters in strings and comments


November 2, 2023

  • Updated Open Record dialog to always default to previous table and record
  • Fixed false “Stored Procedure not found” errors
  • Fixed Open Record dialog's Refresh button setting text to "1" in OI 10
  • Fixed CLIENTSIZE returning wrong value in some RDP environments
  • Fixed anchoring of button on Add to Repository form in OI 10
  • Fixed VNAV when using F9 to save records


September 21, 2023

  • Added Hook and Unhook TCL commands
  • Improved VNAV filtering
  • Fixed incorrect VNAVs in OI 10
  • Fixed Open Record dialog’s Refresh button not responding to Alt+R in OI 10


August 17, 2023

  • Added "New View..." button to RDK window
  • Updated Favorites to save when changed instead of when SRP Editor closes
  • Updated Open File lists to save when items are opened and closed instead of when SRP Editor closes
  • Fixed bug in RDK window where double-clicking a view would not enable the Apply button


May 15, 2023

  • Added Expand All and Collapse All to Edit menu
  • Updated Open Record dialog to better handle Quickdex indexes
  • Updated deletion of procedures and inserts to also update git repo
  • Updated auto-commenter to no longer insert unnecessary spaces
  • Updated tooltips to be DPI aware in OI 10
  • Updated Favorites and Test panels to reset to defaults if sizes become inordinately large
  • Fixed Find Previous not working in OI 9
  • Fixed false VNAVs for variables inside function calls
  • Fixed Replace All inserting replacements at beginning of next line
  • Fixed New Item screen DPI issues in OI 10


March 27, 2023

  • Added Calendar control to SRP_ActiveX_Info
  • Added DPI awareness for OI 10
  • Updated OI 10 version to initialize OIPI before printing, not during startup
  • Updated SRP_ActiveX_Info to be more tolerant of missing registrations
  • Updated OI 10 version to support changes to OI 10.2
  • Fixed bug in OI 10 where event dropdowns for OI controls would be empty


February 17, 2022

  • Added Shift+F2 shortcut to jump to previous marker
  • Updated Add to RDK dialog to work correctly with OI 10 RDK format
  • Fixed bug where opening a record from a CODE table that wasn’t code would hang


January 21, 2022

  • Fixed splitter bar settings for OI 10


January 19, 2022

  • Updated Help menu command to open OI Help in OI 10
  • Fixed bug in OI 10 where Ctrl+F and Ctrl+H wouldn’t work in some circumstances


December 22, 2021

  • Fixed bug where List command would not format some columns
  • Fixed bug where Find window would clear out Label List combo box during search


October 18, 2021

  • Fixed bug where Find would not highlight a word if it was the last word in the document
  • Fixed bug where Undoing a record expansion would not update the margin to match the change


August 16, 2021

  • Added support for #pre and #endpre directives
  • Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when closing the Find dialog


April 30, 2021

  • Added directives to autocomplete dropdown, e.g., #ifdef, #region, etc.

  • Fixed bug where auto-justify would break while Find/Replace was active.


April 26, 2021

  • Updated Find/Replace windows to no longer support autocompletion while typing. This will help with case sensitive searches.


April 21, 2021

  • Added check for existing stored procedures during compile
  • Added Copy Special... menu item
  • Updated Copy logic to only copy text in color. For line numbers, use the new Copy Special... menu item
  • Updated Find and Replace dialogs to appear in top right corner of editor
  • Updated Find dialog to stay open
  • Updated Find and Replace to highlight all instances of search text while dialog is open
  • Updated Find and Replace to show X of Y when moving to Next and Previous search
  • Updated Replace dialog to support F4
  • Updated license handling
  • Updated VNAV handling to exclude variables after DIM/DIMENSION statement
  • Fixed bug where adding new lines after a THEN keyword would insert an END keyword below even if there is already an END or END ELSE
  • Fixed bug where new Events or Services (Extended BASIC+) wouldn't get code folded
  • Fixed bug where Unit Testing panel would not resize when hiding/showing Command Line
  • Fixed bug where Select Tables link would not be at the bottom of the table list in the SRP Table Search utility
  • Fixed bug where Ctrl+U would not work if a partial word was selected
  • Fixed bug where Ctrl+J would not handle empty elements safely


  • Fixed references to SRPControls.ocx that should have referenced SRPEditor.ocx
  • Fixed options dialog to update unit test panel when theme changes
  • Fixed bug where changing theme would sometimes leave behind artifacts from other themes
  • Fixed bug where auto indent would sometimes insert an extra tab


  • Improved code folding when folds are adjacent or blank lines are being added before and after root-level folds


  • Fixed critical bug where saving records with @RMs could corrupt record data by reposition @RMs in wrong location
  • Fixed bug where region name wouldn't update correctly in Label List or sometimes disappear
  • Fixed bug where deleting DEBUG would not delete the margin marker
  • Fixed bug where VIEWER window would cause tabs to get out of sync or incorrectly labelled


  • Added code folding
  • Added splash screen


  • Fixed bug where new or blank record would have an empty margin and produce an error when pressing enter.


  • Updated IConv/OConv context menus to better recognize legitimate conversions

  • Improved record loading/editing speeds, especially for large records

  • Fixed bug where Favorited records would sometimes reopen in Forced Readonly mode

  • Fixed bug where Open Record dialog would not highlight correct field when opened
  • Fixed bug where License screens would sometimes appear when they shouldn't


  • Updated editor to automatically insert SRP PreCompiler if unpacking syntax is detected (and auto-insert is enabled)


  • Added option to disable auto-insertion of SRP PreCompiler


  • Added OI 10 support
  • Added Joker and Visual Studio Dark themes
  • Added Auto Justify Assignments feature (see Options)
  • Updated to better interact with APPROW entities when SRP Git is enabled
  • Updated Open Procedure dialog to ignore AREV32's "SOURCE:" pointers
  • Updated some UI settings (window size and positions) to be saved per app, instead of globally to all apps
  • Updated Open Record dialog to default to active record's table and key instead of the last table and key
  • Updated Open Record dialog's Refresh button to be a little smarter about what to refresh
  • Fixed bug where dialog boxes would show on wrong monitor
  • Fixed bug where licensing boxes could crash OI
  • Fixed bug where Table Search progress bar was not accurate
  • Fixed bug where Table Search would search when pressing ENTER even though the Results window had focus


  • Updated SRP Editor to recognize SRP Git when writing files to ensure they get pushed to the Git Repo
  • Updated Git menu
  • Updated SRP Table Search
  • Updated Code Format tool to recognize Enhanced BASIC+
  • Updated "Tabs as Spaces" options to be enabled by default
  • Fixed bug where Bookmarks from one document would load in another
  • Fixed bug where items wouldn't save correctly during shutdown
  • Fixed bug where new item couldn't be dragged in Favorites pane after being Saved
  • Fixed bug where EDIT command would not open empty records
  • Fixed bug where doing a Save and Compile (F9) of a new stored procedures wouldn't compile


  • Added special icon for records forced into readonly mode.
  • Added single-key accelerators to the New item window.
  • Updated Record Open window to be much, much faster.
  • Updated favorites to remember when records were forced to open readonly.
  • Updated Event modules to auto-append .MENU() when selecting a MENU event from the dropdown
  • Updated several autocomplete dropdowns to appear immediately after pressing space instead of waiting for a leading character, e.g., after gosub, goto, and $insert
  • Fixed occasional bug where selecting a control in an Event would append empty parameters instead of letting the user select an event


  • Added keyword highlighting for API and GoToAPI (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.8 or later)
  • Added support within SRP_PreCompiler for API and GoToAPI keywords
  • Updated SRP Editor to automatically save and restore bookmarks between sessions within stored procedures (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.8 or later)
  • Updated SRP Editor to save and restore location and selection information between sessions within stored procedures and inserts (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.8 or later)
  • Extended syntax highlighting of brace matching to also include { }, < >, [ ] (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.8 or later)
  • Fixed "Refresh" typo in Unit Test panel context menu
  • Fixed bug preventing user from showing/hiding the Unit Test panel unless the Favorites panel was visible


  • Added Unit Testing
  • Added New Item window that is now bound to Ctrl+N (File, New)
  • Added code templates
  • Updated Run window to recognize metadata
  • Updated SRP PreCompiler to place common variables at @pragma line instead of at the beginning of the first Extended BASIC+ line. #pragma should be as close to the top of the code as possible as a result
  • Updated TCL to no longer auto complete, though the dropdown will still appear with a filtered history of previously used commands
  • Updated Table Search utility to sort tables
  • Fixed bug where SRP Editor would crash on OI 9.1 and earlier when closing document from Favorites
  • Fixed bug where "end" keyword would be auto-inserted if a one-line if statement ended with a debug
  • Fixed bug where visual artifact would appear when resizing Open Record dialog
  • Fixed bug where wrong parameter types would appear for DLL stubs


  • Added support for Setting keyword in For Each loop to allow developers to include a counter
  • Added ability to close documents directly from the tab strip
  • Added ability to close documents directly from the Favorites panel
  • Added smart insert feature to automatically insert block closers (e.g., End after If or Repeat after Loop)
  • Added ability to customize keyword case in autocomplete and smart indents (See Customize Tab)
  • Added right-click context menus to Favorites pane for more intuitive interaction
  • Updated SRP_PreCompiler to use older op-codes when compiled in OI 9.1.x or earlier
  • Updated SRP_PreCompiler to support both "or" or "else" keyword in Enhanced BASIC+ Return statement, e.g., "Return Ans else 1"
  • Updated SRP_PreCompiler to ignore writing meta data when called from BLINT
  • Updated width of Label combo box
  • Updated auto complete to complete on Tab as well as Enter
  • Updated Favorites panel with context menu for more intuitive control over favorites
  • Updated SRP Editor to close a faster and more reliably when there are unsaved documents
  • Updated Event statement dropdown to include all MENU items
  • Fixed bug in SRP_PreCompiler where Enhanced BASIC+ keywords within comment blocks were not being ignored
  • Fixed bug in SRP_PreCompiler where GoToEvent would sometimes not find the correct event handler
  • Fixed bug in SRP_PreCompiler where While/Until clauses sometimes wouldn't compile
  • Fixed bug in SRP_PreCompiler where For Each would miss last element if it was a single letter
  • Fixed bug in SRP_PreCompiler where Service with no parameters would offset the debugger by one line
  • Fixed bug in SRP_PreCompiler where wrong service metadata would be created if procedure had inherited version


  • Added SRP_PreCompiler to support Enhanced BASIC+
  • Added syntax highlighting support for Enhanced BASIC+ (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.3 or later)
  • Added automatic insertion of SRP_PreCompiler during compile when Enhanced BASIC+ is detected (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.3 or later)
  • Added ability to right click to Insert SRP_PreCompiler (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.3 or later)
  • Added syntax highlighting for directives (e.g., #pragma). Updated built-in themes to support it also.
  • Updated MENU.HELP to check for ProgRef.chm before trying to run it
  • Updated Open Record dialog's autofill to improve speed and reduce dropped characters (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.3 or later)
  • Updated Label dropdown to match typed input anywhere, so typing CREATE will find CREATE, WINDOW.CREATE, MY_CREATE, etc.
  • Updated Goto Source function (F12) to be more forgiving about finding the correct label
  • Fixed Options dialog Theme button using SRPControls.ocx instead of SRPUtil.ocx
  • Fixed bug where printing records started on field <2> instead of field <1>
  • Fixed bug where highlighting whole label at end of line didn't jump to that label when performing Goto Source function (F12)
  • Fixed bug where VNAV detection was sometimes inaacurate (requires SRPUtil.ocx 4.0.3 or later)
  • Fixed bug where VNAV detection would be applied to cached code when compiling inherited stored procedures
  • Fixed bug where some document types would not be marked as modified (needing to be saved) when doing a find & replace


  • Added syntax highlighting themes
  • Added support for themes, so it will be easier to switch between themes on the fly
  • Added ability to export/import all options to/from a file
  • Added logic to reset Status window on startup if it's too large to fit
  • Updated Styles to be cascading, so everything falls back to Default style when not set
  • Updated all icons to more modern ones
  • Updated Compile function (F9) to automatically calls call DECLARE_FCNS for "SYSPROC*DLL_" records
  • Updated Auto text settings to now save to %APPDATA%\Roaming as text files instead of using the registry to allow for more characters
  • Updated F12 to jump to label if cursor is on a label identifier
  • Updated "This Application Only" check box in Open dialog to put focus back into the main edit field after being clicked
  • Fixed bug where labels followed by "*" or "//" were not recognized
  • Fixed bug where some compiler errors were not displaying correctly in the status pane
