Versions Compared


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PropertyDescriptionVersion IntroducedPro Version Introduced
AllowLeadTimeIndicates whether or not the user can SHIFT + DRAG to create or modify appointment lead times.  
AllowTrailTimeIndicates whether or not the user can SHIFT + DRAG to create or modify appointment trail times.  
AppointmentListAll appointments in the control.  
AppointmentMetricsDetermines how appointments are rendered and interacted with.3.0.
ApptAn appointment.  


The appointments application-defined classification.3.0.0 
ApptFlagThe state of an appointment's flag.3.0.0 
ApptFlagsThe states of all an appointment's flags.  
ApptLockedThe locked status of an appointment.  


An appointments coordinates in screen space. (Read Only)

AutosizeAutosizes the entities.  
BorderThe control's border style.
BorderColorsCustomizes the colors of an SRP ActiveX Control's border.
CancelCancels events.  
ConflictBehaviorThe algorithm used to recognize conflicting appointments.
ConflictColorThe color used to show conflict zones.  
CurrentTimeColorThe color used to draw a band at the current time.3.0.0 
DateThe currently visible date. 
DateHeaderFormatThe format used to render dates in the time bar.
EnableLeadTrailDisplayDetermines if Lead and Trail times should be rendered.
EnableMouseMoveEventDetermines if the OnScheduleMouseMove event should fire.  
EntityAn entity.  
EntityCheckedAn entity's checked state.  
EntityListThe heirarchical list of groups and entities.  
EntityMinSizeThe minimum size of entities in pixels.  
EntitySizeThe size of entities in pixels.  
EntityTimeBlocksAn entity's time blocks.3 (Deprecated)
EntityUnassignedFlags an existing entity as containing unassigned appointments.4.0.3 
FirstDayOfWeekThe first day of the week displayed in the left most column of the calendar.  
FreezeEntityThe right most entity that will not scroll.  
GuidesControls which guides are visible during drag and drop.
HoverTImeThe time the mouse needs to hover over an item before a hover event fires.
IntervalThe number of minutes per interval.  
IntervalSizeThe number pixels per interval.  
ItemExpandedExpands or collapses items in the tree control.  
LayoutThe information layout of all appointments.3.0.0 
LeadLayoutThe information layout of all appointment lead areas.  
LeftTimeBarVisibility status of the left time bar.  
ProgIDThe control's ProgId/Class Name.  
RedrawEnables or disables redrawing of the control when setting properties.  
RightTimeBarVisibility status of the right time bar.  
ScheduleFontsAll fonts used in the schedule portion of the control.  
SelApptThe currently selected appointment.  
SelectBorderColorThe border color of selected appointments.  
ServerThe server connection information.  
ServerValidDetermines if the server connection is valid.  
ShowCalendarShows/Hides the calendar control.  
ShowTreeShows/Hides the tree control. 
SnapEnabledDetermines whether or not appointments are snapped to the nearest interval.4.1.18
SnapIgnoreLeadDetermines if the lead/trail times should be ignored when snapping appointments.4.1.18
TimeBarAMPMDetermines if the time bar displays 12-hour time with.4.1.18
TimeBlockListAll time blocks in the control.
TimeRangeThe visible time range in the schedule  
TrailLayoutThe information layout of all appointment layout areas.  
VersionThe control's version info.  
ViewThe current view.