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Code Block
Result = SRP_JSONJson(Handle, "SETSet", Identifier, NewEntityHandle)


Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.


HandleHandle to a JSON Entity. Required.
IdentifierThe object member or array element to set. Required.
NewEntityHandleHandle to another JSON Entity. Optional.


The SET service Setservice sets a child within a given JSON Entity. This service only works on JSON objects and JSON arrays. If it is a JSON object, then Identifier needs to be a member name, such as "id" or "first-name". If it is a JSON array, then identifier needs to be an index, such as 1 or 10. The NewEntityHandle parameter must be a different valid JSON Entity Handle. The entity associated with that handle will be placed into the specified member/element of the entity associated with the Handle parameter.


Even though you are putting one entity into another, you still must RELEASERelease the child handle when you no longer need it.


Code Block
// Create a simple string entity
If SRP_JSONJson(StringHandle, "NEWNew", "STRINGString", "Hello, World!") then

   // Create a JSON array, set elements in any order
   If SRP_JSONJson(ArrayHandle, "NEWNew", "ARRAYArray") then
       SRP_JSONJson(ArrayHandle, "SETSet", 1, StringHandle)
       SRP_JSONJson(ArrayHandle, "SETSet", 10, StringHandle)
       SRP_JSONJson(ArrayHandle, "SETSet", 5, StringHandle)
       SRP_JSONJson(ArrayHandle, "RELEASERelease")
   // Create a JSON object, add members to it
   If SRP_JSONJson(ObjectHandle, "NEWNew", "OBJECTObject") then
       SRP_JSONJson(ObjectHandle, "SETSet", "first-member", StringHandle)
       SRP_JSONJson(ObjectHandle, "SETSet", "second-member", StringHandle)
       SRP_JSONJson(ObjectHandle, "RELEASERelease")
   // Remember to release handles we created
   SRP_JSONJson(StringHandle, "RELEASERelease")

See Also