Versions Compared


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In the examples above, the contents are entered at design time.  They They are static.  Chances Chances are, you need to populate the list box dynamically at run-time, by reading an OpenInsight table.

For this example, we use a simple database called KNOWLEDGE_BASE with three columns: RECORD_NUM, PRODUCT, TYPE, and TITLE.  Do Do the following

  1. Create this table, with RECORD_NUM as the key, and PRODUCT, TYPE, and TITLE as non-key fields.  

  2. Create a form to add the following 5 records:

    1OpenInsightTech NoteHierarchical List Boxes Part 1
    2OpenInsightTech NoteHierarchical List Boxes Part 2
    3OpenInsightWhite PaperHow to Get to the Web with OpenInsight
    4Advanced RevelationTech NoteUsing the NLM With Advanced Revelation
    5Advanced RevelationWhite PaperConverting Your Advanced Revelation Application to OpenInsight


  1. Put a BTREE index on RECORD_NUM, PRODUCT, and TYPE.

  2. To populate the list box, create a function called TEST_LBD().  Copy the following code:


  1. Code Block
    subroutine test_lbd (VOID)
    declare subroutine btree.extract, set_property, send_message, Msg
    equ PRODUCT$ to 1
    equ TYPE$ to 2
    equ TITLE$ to 3
    **Setup a Btree.Extract routine to get all the data in the table**
    **This search_string passed to Btree.Extract will get all the records**
    search_string = "RECORD_NUM":@VM:">0":@FM
    table = "KNOWLEDGE_BASE"
    **Open the associated dictionary file for KNOWLEDGE_BASE**
    open "DICT.":table TO @DICT else
      Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not open the Dictionary for KNOWLEDGE_BASE")
    keys = '' ;*Keys is what the list of keys is returned to
    option = '' ;*No options are specified to send to Btree.Extract
    flag = '' ;*No flags are set to send to Btree.Extract
    Btree.Extract (search_string, table, @DICT, keys, option, flag)
    **Get the number of keys returned by Btree.Extract
    iKeyCount = count(keys,@VM) + (len(keys)>0)
    convert @VM to @FM in keys
    **Open the table so we can go through it to get the information for the list box**
      Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not open the KNOWLEDGE_BASE table in Populate click event")
    content = '' ;*This will hold the information from the table to put in the list box.
    list = '' ;*This will hold a list of Products to ensure they do not repeat in the list view.
    iContPos = 0 ;*Increments the position of the information in the CONTENT variable.
    for i = 1 to iKeyCount
    read RECORD from hKNOWLEDGE_BASE, keys<i> else
      call msg(@WINDOW , "Couldn’t read from KNOWLEDGE_BASE table in the loop")
    ** This will be true only the first time in the loop **
    if i = 1 then
    /*List is going to be an @FM delimited list of all the products
    that were found. It will be used later to locate products in to
    ensure that they only show a specific product once. iContPos is the
    variable that holds which position the information will be in, in
    the list box */
    iContPos = iContPos + 1
    content<iContPos> = RECORD<PRODUCT$>
    list = RECORD<PRODUCT$>
    ** getAllTypes will get all the info according to RECORD<DATE$> **
    gosub getAllTypes
    end else
    ** Checking to see if the product is in the list of products **
    locate RECORD<PRODUCT$> In list Using @FM Setting POS then
    /* This Last Name is already there so don't add it to the
    content again */
    end else
    iContPos = iContPos + 1
    content<iContPos> = RECORD<PRODUCT$>
    list = list:@FM:RECORD<PRODUCT$>
    /* getAllTypes will get all the types according to
      RECORD<PRODUCT$>, which is Last Name in this case */
      gosub getAllTypes
    next I
    /* All of the info has been retreived in the variable 'CONTENT', so now display it */
    Set_Property(@WINDOW : '.LB_H', 'LIST', content)
    ** This code colapses the Hierarchical List Box **
    Send_Message(@WINDOW : '.LB_H', 'EXPAND', 0, 0)
    /* These parameters will be passed to Btree.Extract to get all the TYPES according to the PRODUCT
    of the current record
    Only get the records that are associated with the product that the record is on */
    search_string = "PRODUCT":@VM:"=":Record<PRODUCT$>:@FM
    table = "KNOWLEDGE_BASE"
    Open "DICT.":table To @DICT Else
    Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not open KNOWLEDGE_BASE in the subroutine in the populate click")
    keysSub = ''
    optionSub = ''
    flagSub = ''
    list2 = '' ;*Going to hold the list of TYPES that will be searched to make
    ;*sure a TYPE doesn't get repeated in the list
    /* IF Btree.Extract is successful, the variable keysSub holds the list of keys, @VM delimited */
    Btree.Extract(search_string, table, @DICT, keysSub, optionSub, flagSub)
    **Get the number of keys returned by Btree.Extract
    iKeyCountSub = count(keysSub,@VM) + (len(keysSub)>0)
    convert @VM to @FM in keysSub
    Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not open the table 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE'")
    /* If iKeyCountSub is empty then there are no matching criteria for the search so the loop will
    not be executed */
    for n = 1 to iKeyCountSub
    read RECORD from hKNOWLEDGE_BASE, keysSub<n> else
    Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not read from the Knowledge_Base table in the loop")
    if n = 1 then
    iContPos = iContPos + 1
    content<iContPos> = '1-2:':RECORD<TYPE$>
    list2 = RECORD<TYPE$>
    /*We can now get all the TITLES in the table and add them to the CONTENT list of
    gosub getAllTitles
    end else
    locate RECORD<TYPE$> in list2 using @FM setting pos then
    **This TYPE is already there so don't add it again**
    end else
    iContPos = iContPos + 1
    content<iContPos> = '1-2:':RECORD<TYPE$>
    list2 = list2:@FM:RECORD<TYPE$>
    /*We can now get all the TITLES in the table and add them to the CONTENT
    list of information*/
    gosub getAllTitles
    next n
    /* These parameters will be passed to Btree.Extract to get all the TITLES according to the TYPE
    of the current record.
    This search string has to be sure to only get the TITLES that are associated with it's
    corresponding TYPE and PRODUCT */
    search_string = "TYPE":@VM:"=":Record<TYPE$>:@FM:"PRODUCT":@VM:"=":RECORD<PRODUCT$>:@FM
    table = "KNOWLEDGE_BASE"
    open "DICT.":table To @DICT else
    Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not open the DICTIONARY in the getAllTitles subroutine in the POPULATE click")
    keysSub2 = ''
    optionSub2 = ''
    flagSub2 = ''
    list3 = ''
    /* IF Btree.Extract is successful, the variable "KEYS" holds the list of keys, @VM delimited, for
    responses for the main topic */
    Btree.Extract(search_string, table, @DICT, keysSub2, optionSub2, flagSub2)
    **Get the number of keys returned by Btree.Extract
    iKeyCountSub2 = count(keysSub2,@VM) + (len(keysSub2)>0)
    convert @VM to @FM in keysSub2
    Msg(@WINDOW , "Could not open the table KNOWLEDGE_BASE in the subroutine getAllTitles in the POPULATE click")
    /* If iKeyCountSub2 is empty then there are no matching criteria for the search so the loop will
    not be executed */
    for t = 1 to iKeyCountSub2
    read RECORD from hKNOWLEDGE_BASE, keysSub2<t> else
    call Msg(@WINDOW , 'Could not read from the Knowledge_Base table')
    iContPos = iContPos + 1
    content<iContPos> = '3-3:':RECORD<TITLE$>
    next t




  1. Call this function from the CLICK event of the B_POPULATE button, as shown below.  Substitute Substitute your account for EXAMPLES.
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