Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Note: If you are trying to use the MSG function and the variable you are trying to display contains any system delimiters it may not display correctly. (for example, a message box or button may display with garbled text or won't function properly) What you need to do is use either the CONVERT or SWAP statements.

For example:

CONVERT @fm to ',' in VarName


Message Structure

Use the MSG_EQUATES insert record for access to the values in the following table.


Code Block
* request the user's password (and return it uppercased)
Def = ""
Def<MTEXT$> = "Enter your password:"
Def<MTYPE$> = "RCE"
Def<MICON$> = "?"
Password = Msg(@window, Def)
if Password = char(27) then
   * user escaped from the message
end else
   * user supplied password (which could be null) and pressed enter



Example 2

Code Block
* display a message stored in the repository as "ERROR_MESSAGE"
Text = "An error occurred opening the table for processing."
Msg(@window, Text, "ERROR_MESSAGE")



Example 3

Code Block
* display a message while batch processing
Def = ""
Def<MTEXT$> = "Processing..."
Def<MTYPE$> = "U"
* display the processing message and do the processing
MsgUp = Msg(@window, Def)
gosub BatchProcess
* take down the processing message
Msg(@window, MsgUp)



Example 4

Code Block
/* display a gas gauge to show progress while processing 1000 orders */
$insert msg_equates
OrderCnt = 1000
Def = ""
Def<MCAPTION$> = "Processing Orders..."
Def<MTYPE$   > = "GC"
Def<MEXTENT$ > = OrderCnt
Def<MTEXTWIDTH$ > = 400
MsgUp = Msg(@window, Def)
for Order = 1 to OrderCnt
    /*  process the order */
    * update the gauge and check if cancel was pressed
while Msg(@window, MsgUp, Order, MSGINSTUPDATE$)
next Order
/*  we are done, take down the gas gauge */
Msg(@window, MsgUp)         ;* take down the gauge



Example 5

Code Block
* logon processing with a batch screen
Def = ""
Def<MTYPE$> = "TA5"
* display 5-second splash-screen while performing login processing
Msg(@window, Def, "SPLASHSCREEN")
gosub Logon_Process
* allow the message to close if 5 seconds have elapsed
gosub Setup