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SRP_Math supports many operations, as listed below. This is the most important parameter since it determines how the values are to be treated. Some operations use both Value1 and Value2, some use only Value1, and a few even use no values at all. See the documentation on the individual operation for details. The operations are:

ABSOLUTEVALUEReturns the absolute value of a value.
ADDAdds two values.
ARCCOSCalculates the arc cosine of a value.
ARCCOSHCalculates the hyperbolic arc cosine of a value.
ARCSINCalculates the arc sine of a value.
ARCSINHCalculates the hyperbolic arc sine of a value.
ARCTANCalculates the arc tangent of a value.
ARCTAN2Calculates the two-argument arc tangent of two values.
ARCTANHCalculates the hyperbolic arc tangent of a value.
CEILINGRounds a value upward to the nearest integer.
COMPARECompares two values.
COSCalculates the cosine of a value.
COSHCalculates the hyperbolic cosine of a value.
CUBEROOTTakes the cube root of a value.
DECIMALDetermines whether a value is a decimal number or integer.
DIVIDEDivides two values.
EVENDetermines if a value is even.
EXPPerforms the exponential function of a value.
EXPONENTReturns the exponent component of a value.
FACTORIALComputes the factorial of a value.
FLOORRounds a value downward to the nearest integer.
GCDComputes the greatest common divisor of two values.
INTReturns the integer component of a value.
LCMComputes the least common multiple of two values.
LOGTakes the natural logarithm of a value.
LOG10Takes the common logarithm of a value.
MULTIPLYMultiplies two values.
NEGATENegates a value.
NONEReturns the value without performing any calculations.
ODDDetermines if a value is odd.
POWRaises a value to the power of another value.
RANDOMGenerates a random value.
ROUNDRounds a value to a given decimal place.
SIGDIGITSReturns the number of significant digits in a value.
SIGNReturns the sign of a value.
SINCalculates the sine of a value.
SINHCalculates the hyperbolic sine of a value.
SQUAREROOTTakes the square root of a value.
SUBTRACTSubtracts two values.
TANCalculates the tangent of a value.
TANHCalculates the hyperbolic tangent of a value.


Error StringGenerated By
ERROR: Cannot divide by zero.DIVIDE
ERROR: Integer inputs required.GCDLCM
ERROR: Value must be >= 0.SQUAREROOT
ERROR: Value must be > 0.LOGLOG10
ERROR: Value1 and value2 cannot both be zero.ARCTAN2
ERROR: Value must be in range: 1 <= Value <= 1.ARCCOSARCSIN
ERROR: Value must be >= 1.ARCCOSH
ERROR: Value must be in range: 1 < Value < 1.ARCTANH
ERROR: Value cannot be a multiple of PI/2.TAN
ERROR: Unknown OperationOccurs for unrecognized operations
