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Removes a file from a zip file.




Code Block
Result = SRP_Zip_RemoveFile(ZipHandle, Index, Password)




1 if successful, 0 if not. 



ZipHandle Handle to an opened zip file. 

Index Index of the file to be removed. 

Password File's security password, if any. Optional. 



Call this routine to remove a file from a zip file. The value of Index can be the value returned by SRP_Zip_FindFile or the same index used to reference the file in the value returned by SRP_Zip_GetFileList. The Password parameter is necessary for password protected zip files. Note that in most zip files, the password is the same throughout, but it is possible to protect each file with its own password. 



Code Block
// remove a single known file
hZip = SRP_Zip_Open("C:\")
If hZip EQ 0 then
   Call Msg(@Window, SRP_Zip_GetLastError())
end else
   FileIndex = SRP_Zip_FindFile(hZip, "MyImage.BMP")
   If FileIndex NE 0 then
       Data = SRP_Zip_RemoveFile(hZip, FileIndex)
