Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


ColThe X position (in pixels) of the AppNote relative to the calling window. If set to -1, the AppNote will center itself in the calling window. If set to -2, the AppNote will center itself on the screen. The default is –1.
RowThe Y position (in pixels) of the AppNote relative to it calling window. If set to -1, the AppNote will center itself in the calling window. If set to -2, the AppNote will center itself on the screen. The default is –1.
WidthThe width (in pixels) of the edit box that will display the AppNote. Default is 350.
HeightThe height (in pixels) of the edit box that will display the AppNote. Default is 200.
ReadonlyFlag specifying this is a read only note. 1 = readonly, 0 = modifiable. A read only note will only have an OK button, while a modifiable note will have an OK button as well as a CANCEL button, to allow for backing out of a modification. Default is 0.
FontThe font to be used in the edit box. See the FONT property.
BkcolorBackground color of the edit box. An RGB @VM-delimited list is used. (For example 255:@VM:0:@VM:0 is red, 0:@VM:255:@VM:0 is green.)
FgcolorForeground color of the text in the edit box. Uses the same argument style as bkcolor.
JustificationText justification in the edit box. "L" - Left, "R" - Right, or "C" - Center.
TitleTitle to be displayed in the caption bar.
TextThe text of the QuickHelp. Carriage return line feeds (\0D0A\ in BASIC+) must first be converted to @VM (value marks).
ScrollFlag specifying whether or not scrolling is allowed. If no scrolling is allowed, then input cannot be longer than what is allowed in the window. Value should be 1 (allow scrolling), or 0 (do not allow scrolling).

See also


Example 1

Code Block
*Calling AppNote directly from an event script.
Declare Subroutine AppNote
Declare Function Get_Property, Repository, entid
$insert Appnote_Equates
AppRec<ACOL$> = -2
AppRec<AROW$> = -2
AppRec<AFGCOLOR$> = 0:@VM:0:@VM:255
AppRec<ATITLE$>="App Note Test"
AppRec<ATEXT$>="This displays a HelpNote from your code."
PARENT Get_Property(ctrlentID, "PARENT")
AppNote(PARENT, ctrlentID, AppRec)

Example 2

Code Block
* Executing an AppNote entity.
Declare Subroutine AppNote, Repository
Declare Function Repository, entid
ID = entid("CARPARTS","AppNote","",ctrlentID)
PARENT = Get_Property(ctrlentID, "PARENT")
* attempt to execute AppNote
Success = Repository("EXECUTE", ID, PARENT, "")
* If AppNote not in Repository, make one and execute it.
If (Success) Else 
       Repository("WRITE" , ID, "", 1, 1, "", "", "", "", "",|
        "HelpNote", "")
       Repository("EXECUTE", ID, PARENT, "")