Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


<0, 1>TypeOptionThe type of layout item
<0, 2>LocationMultivalueThe size and location of the item
<0, 3>ValueTextThe item's value; depends on type
<0, 4>SettingsMultivalueThe item's special settings; depends on type
<0, 5>FontFontThe item's font
<0, 6>Horizontal AlignmentOptionThe horizontal alignment of the item's text
<0, 7>Vertical AlignmentOptionThe vertical alignment of the item's text
<0, 8>MultilinedBooleanIndicates whether or not the item's text is displayed as multilined
<0, 9>Background EffectOptionThe item's background effect
<0, 10>Word WrapBooleanIndicates whether or not the item's text is word wrapped when multilined


This is the most important parameter. The layout type indicates the kind of information to be presented. Currently, only one type exists, but more types will be added in the future. See the Available Layout Types section below for a list of types and their details.


This parameter indicates how text is to be treated when it is multilined. Set this to 1 if you want the text to be word wrapped, that is, if you want to move words that don't fit to the next line. Set it to 0 if you want the text to always use the same number of lines, i.e., to just use CRLF as the line break. This parameter has no effect on single lined layouts.


Available Layout Types



<1, 1, 1>Default FormatTextThe date & time format used in most cases
<1, 1, 2>Current Day FormatTextThe date & time format used when the time falls on the current day
<1, 1, 3>Add Lead TimeBooleanTrue to add the lead time to the start time


<1, 1, 1>Default FormatTextThe date & time format used in most cases
<1, 1, 2>Current Day FormatTextThe date & time format used when the time falls on the current day
<1, 1, 3>Subtract Trail TimeBooleanTrue to subtract the trail time from the end time


<1, 1, 1>FormatTextThe date & time span format


Note that 'M' must be used for month spans and 'm' for minute spans. All other codes can be either case. Here are some example date & time span formats, all them for a date & time span of 1 day and 90 mintues: 

To Display AsUse
1 Day, 01:30:00DDDD 'Day', hh:mm:ss
1 Day, 90 minutesDDDD 'Day', mmm 'minutes'
1530 minutesmmmm 'minutes'


<1, 1, 1>FormatTextThe date & time span format


<1, 1, 1>FormatTextThe date & time span format
<1, 1, 2>Subtract Lead TimeBooleanTrue to subtract the lead time from the total appointment time
<1, 1, 3>Subtract Trail TimeBooleanTrue to subtract the trail time from the total appointment time


<1, 1, 1>Number of FramesIntegerThe number of frames to break the image file into
<1, 1, 2>Transparent ColorFormatted StringDetermines the color within the image file to be made completely transparent when rendering
<1, 1, 3>Space Between ImageIntegerThe number of pixels between each image


Code Block
// Show the appointment's name, bold and centered on the top 
Layout<1, 1> = "APPTDATA"                   ;// We want to show appointment data 
Layout<1, 2> = 0:@SVM:0:@SVM:-1:@SVM:16     ;// Place it along the top, autowidth 
Layout<1, 3> = "NAME"                       ;// Value: Show the name 
Layout<1, 4> = ""                           ;// Settings: n/a 
Layout<1, 5> = @SVM:@SVM:700                ;// Make it bold 
Layout<1, 6> = "Center"                     ;// Center it 
Layout<1, 7> = "Center"                     ;// Center it vertically too 
Layout<1, 8> = 0                            ;// Single line only, since the height is not autosized 
Layout<1, 9> = ""                           ;// No background effect 
Layout<1, 10> = 1                           ;// Wrap is on, but it won't affect this single line layout 

// Show the appointment's description, centered underneath the title 
Layout<2, 1> = "APPTDATA"                   ;// We want to show appointment data 
Layout<2, 2> = 0:@SVM:20:@SVM:-1:@SVM:-1    ;// Place it below the name, autowidth and autoheight 
Layout<2, 3> = "DESC"                       ;// Value: Show the description 
Layout<2, 4> = ""                           ;// Settings: n/a 
Layout<2, 5> = ""                           ;// Default font: Tahoma, 8 pt. 
Layout<2, 6> = "Center"                     ;// Center it horizontally 
Layout<2, 7> = "Top"                        ;// Place it at the top of the rectangle 
Layout<2, 8> = 1                            ;// Multilined 
Layout<2, 9> = ""                           ;// No background effect 
Layout<2, 9> = 0                            ;// Don't wrap words, just use CRLF for breaks 
// Show the appointment's flag icons over the appointment starting from the top left corner 
Layout<3, 1> = "FLAGS"                      ;// We want to show images based on ApptFlags 
Layout<3, 2> = 0:@SVM:0:@SVM:18:@SVM:-1     ;// Have it cover the whole appointment (it'll be on top) 
Layout<3, 3> = "BMPS\Flags.png"             ;// Value: The image path 
Layout<3, 4> = 32:@SVM:@SVM:1               ;// Settings: 32 frames and 1 pixel between images 
Layout<3, 5> = ""                           ;// Default font: n/a 
Layout<3, 6> = "Left"                       ;// Horizontal Alignment: Left (only other option is Right) 
Layout<3, 7> = ""                           ;// Vertical Alignment: n/a 
Layout<3, 8> = ""                           ;// Multilined: n/a 
Layout<3, 9> = ""                           ;// No background effect 
Layout<3, 10> = 0                           ;// Word wrapping: n/a 

Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.Layout", Layout)

See Also
