During generation of an upgrade/module RDK, you may choose to have the RDK files built into a self-contained executable.  The user would then only need to run the executable (and possibly answer a few questions) to have the RDK files installed.

If you choose to build the executable, click on the “Installer Settings” tab when creating or editing the RDK deployment definition:

Name of EXE file (Required) Enter the name of the executable file to create (or accept the default SETUP.EXE)

Path of EXE file. (Required) Specify, or browse to, the folder where the executable file will be created

Name of Product. (Optional) Name of product to display during the installation process

Publisher. (Optional) Name of the product publisher to display during the installation process

Product URL (Optional) URL (web address) to display during the installation process

User Name (Optional) Name of user in the current application to log in as

Password (Optional) Password of the above-defined user

If the user name and password are specified, the executable will attempt to automatically log in (to the same application where the RDK was built); however, if they are not correct for the application, the upgrade will abort.  If the user name and password fields are left empty the upgrade will instead request the user name and password from the user during the installation process.



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