Method for adding module identifiers to repository entities.
retval = Repository("ADDMODULE", entID, module_name)
The ADDMODULE method has the following parameters.
Message | ADDMODULE |
entID | entID consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited: |
| |
module_name | The name of the module to add to the entity's SYSREPOS record. |
The module name is field 8 within the SYSREPOS record for the Entity. The module name allows for the creation of named modules within OpenInsight. The RDK tool has an option within the Repository View creation to create RDKs based on Modules. The RDK tool will then build deployments based on the module name.
This is available in OpenInsight 9.2 and above. In 9.2 it is a programmatic function only. In 9.2.1, the Module Manager was introduced to create and organize Modules.
Note: Always call the Get_Status function after calling Repository.
See also
Repository() function,SETMODULE method, REMOVEMODULE method, CLEARMODULE method, GETMODULE method
* Add a Module Name to an Entity Declare Function Repository * Create an array of entities to use Module methods against reposStack = "" reposStack := @appid<1> : "*OIWIN**CUSTOMERS" : @fm reposStack := @appid<1> : "*OIWINEXE**CUSTOMERS" : @fm reposStack := @appid<1> : "*POPUP**CUSTOMERS" addThisModuleName = "CUSTOMER_INVOICE" * Add a Module name to the entities rPos = 0 rFlag = "" module = "" Loop Remove thisEntity From reposStack at rPos setting rFlag var = Repository( "ADDMODULE", thisEntity, addThisModuleName ) If Get_Status(ErrCode) then call msg(@window, 'Error Message returned: ' : ErrCode) end While rFlag Repeat