Additional coding examples are available. These are:

  • Generated Warehouse Procedure CodeWhen you create a warehouse procedure in the Client/Server workspace (selecting Tools-Create Warehouse Procedure), the source of the warehouse procedure is available. It is created as a stored procedure with the prefix of WP_ followed by the table name. Thus, if you create a warehouse procedure for the PRODUCTS table, the stored procedure name is named WP_PRODUCTS. You may need to modify the code, for example, to change the connection parameters or to add query calls. Even if this is not necessary, viewing the code is an excellent way to see how you can customize your own client server programs. You could also change the options when creating a warehouse procedure (such as whether or not to drop a table, or to do "update only" warehousing) and then examine the generated warehouse procedure code. 

  • Source of CS_SPY and XO_QueryThe window source and the commuter modules associated with the CS_SPY utility (for monitoring traffic between OpenInsight and the remote database) and XO_QUERY (the Query Window in the Client/Server workspace) are available. Although it is advisable to leave these windows intact (or, at minimum, to back up these entities before making any changes), these are excellent examples of fully functioning applications that can be modified for your application's requirements.


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