Bools are stored as 1 or 0 internally, and booleans must be in this format when passing them to properties. SRP ActiveX Controls will not parse string booleans on your behalf, such as "Yes," "No," "True" or "False." The Report Table uses a simple syntax for formatting.

You can use any characters in the format, but '[', '|', and ']' are reserved characters. Any other character is treated as a literal and is displayed as is. Thus, you may use literal characters in your format to prefix or suffix the data as you choose. If you need to use any reserved characters literally, then surround your literal text in single or double quotes. If you need to display quotes, place two of them side by side. The reserved characters are interpreted as follows (assuming a value of 1):

To Display As
The value is: True"The value is:" [True|False]
Use quotes to show [, |, or ] when the value is True"Use quotes to show [, |, or ] when the value is" [True|False]
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