To extract a substring,
1. Indicate the position within the string from which substring extraction starts. 2. Specify how many characters will be extracted.
String = "Ralph Waldo Emerson" start = 7 length = 5 substring = string[7, 5] Yields the substring Waldo.
See also
The following example shows how to use the brackets operator for substring extraction.
* Use for all following examples. A = "ABCD0123456789" * Extracts the substring "D0123". temp = A[4,5] * Extracts a null substring. temp = A[99,4] * Extracts the substring "9". temp = A[-1,1] * Extracts the substring "67". temp = A[-4,2] * Extracts the substring "10D". temp = A[6,-3] * Extracts the substring "65432". temp = A[-4,-5] * Extracts the substring "BCD01234". temp = A[2,"F5"] * Extracts the substring "CD012345". temp = A[10,"BB"] * The value of substring is assigned "IS A LONG". string = "THIS IS A LONG STRING" substring = string[6, 9] * substring has been assigned the value "GNOL". substring = string[14, -4] /* FORWARD is assigned the substring "IS IS A ", which includes the blank space following the letter A. */ FORWARD = string[3,"FL"] * BAC is assigned the substring "IS IS A LONG". BAC = string[14,"BH"]
Unicode Extraction
thisVariable = ANSI_UNICODE( "Hello World" ) hello = thisVariable[1, " ", 1]