Use comparison operators to compare to values or expressions.
expression operator expression
The following table describes the available comparison operators in BASIC+:
Operator | Description |
= or EQ | Equal |
# or NE | Not equal |
< or LT | Less than |
<= or LE | Less than or equal |
> or GT | Greater than |
>= or GE | Greater than or equal |
_EQC | Equal, case-insensitive |
_NEC | Not equal, case-insensitive |
_LTC | Less than, case-insensitive |
_LEC | Less than or equal, case-insensitive |
_GTC | Greater than, case-insensitive |
_GEC | Greater than or equal, case-insensitive |
MATCH or MATCHES | Tests if the expression on the left matches the pattern on the right |
_EQX | Equal, to full precision |
_NEX | Not equal, to full precision |
_LTX | Less than, to full precision |
_GTX | Greater than, to full precision |
_LEX | Less than or equal, to full precision |
_GEX | Greater than or equal, to full precision |
Note: For purposes of comparison, any value less than 0.000005 is considered to be zero. For example, the expression:
If 0.00000499 = 0.00000123
will evaluate to true. The five digits of precision are decimal places, not simply the four most significant digits of a number.
You can compare values having more than 5 decimal places, by using the comparison operators ending in "X" (_eqx, _nex, etc.).
All comparison operations result in a boolean value of either 1 (true) or 0 (false).
See also
If statement, Loop statement, MATCHES operator
if "hello" _NEC "HELLO" then Msg(@window, "There is something very wrong") end