Removes all markup from an RTF document and returns it's plain text.


Text = SRP_String("StripRTF", RTF)


RTFThe RTF marked up text. (REQUIRED)


The plain text of an RTF document


The StripRTF service removes all markup from an RTF document. This service assumes you've already read the RTF document into a variable and passed it in via the RTF property. If the incoming text is not perceived to be RTF, then this service returns the text you passed as is.


// Sample RTF
Rtf  = "{\rtf1\ansi\deff0":Crlf$
Rtf := "{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;}":Crlf$
Rtf := "This line is the default color\line":Crlf$
Rtf := "\cf2":Crlf$
Rtf := "This line is red\line":Crlf$
Rtf := "\cf1":Crlf$
Rtf := "This line is the default color":Crlf$
Rtf := "}"

// Returns the following:
// This line is the default color
// This line is red
// This line is the default color
Ans = SRP_String("StripRTF", Rtf)