The CREATE event of the COLLECTORWINDOW dialog box also has a CreateParam argument, which will contain the creation parameter sent from the Dialog_Box() function.  The code in this event can process the data sent, typically to set properties on controls contained in the window.  This is an illustrative code sample:

declare function Get_Property, Set_Property
$insert Ctrl_Property_Equates
if CreateParam # '' then
   convert @fm to @rm in createParam
   ctrls = @window: '.EDITLINE_1' : @rm : @window : '.EDITLINE_2'
   props =     DEFPROP$           : @rm :    DEFPROP$
   rtn = Set_Property (Ctrls, props, CreateParam)

In this example, two edit lines (EDITLINE_1 and EDITLINE_2) are initialized to "data 1" and "data 2" respectively, using Set_Property(), with one call setting both edit lines.