Puts an item into edit mode so a user can modify its contents inline.


Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.EditItem", Item, ForceUpperCase, AllowBlankLines, ModifiedFlag)


ItemThe items to be edited
ForceUpperCaseSet to 1 to force all upper case letters
AllowBlankLinesSet to 1 to allow blank lines to sneak in through copy/paste operations
ModifiedFlagSet to 1 to flag the edit as dirty even before the user starts typing


The EditItem method puts an item into edit mode so a user can make changes inline. Specify the key to the item to be edited, and edit mode will commence. There final three parameters control behavior via true/false flags. If you want only uppercase letters to be entered by the user, set the ForceUpperCase parameter to 1. By default, the user is forced to input all text as a single line, but you can allow line breaks via copy/paste by setting the AllowBlankLines to 1.

When an item first enters edit mode, the text is considered unmodified, which is important because the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events will only fire there are changes detected. If, for some reason, you always want those events to fire–even if there were no changes–then set the ModifiedFlag parameter to 1.


// Place the item into edit mode, using the default behavior
Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_TREE", "OLE.EditItem", "ENTRY1234", 0, 0, 0)

See Also

AfterUpdate, BeforeUpdate, OnEditAbort