Gets the current HTTP status code to be used in the response. If this has not yet been set then code 200 (OK) will be used as a default.


Response = HTTP_Services('RunHTTPService', HTTPService, RemainingURL)




HTTPServiceThe HTTP (or web) service to call.. Required.
RemainingURLThis is the remaining portion of the URL that has not yet been processed by previous services. Required.


The RunHTTPService service is the official way to call specific web service APIs. The HTTPService argument should contain the same name found in the URL segment that corresponds with the API resource. For instance, for the /customers URL, the HTTPService argument should contain the value of customers. This will call the HTTP_CUSTOMERS_SERVICES BASIC+ routine.

The RemainingURL argument will contain the value of the remaining portion of the URL that follows the current URL segment. Examples of managing this are found in the HTTP_Entry_Point_Services routine.