Sets an element's value.


SRP_JsonX_Set(Path, Value, Hint)


1 if successful, 0 if there was an error.


PathPath to the element whose value to set.
ValueThe new value. Omit to pass null.
HintForces the value into a json type. Can be "Bool", "Null", or "String". Optional. 


SRP_JsonX_Set sets the value of the element pointed to by Path. See Paths for more details. If the element doesn't exist, it is created.

The Value parameter will be smartly interpreted by the routine unless a Hint is specified. OI numbers are converted into json numbers. You can also pass json as the value, and this routine will parse the json and set it as the element's new value.

The Hint parameter can be used to force the value into a specific json type. Use "Bool" to force the value to be true or false. Use "Null" to ignore the given value and just use null as the value. Use "String" to force the value into a string, which is useful when you want an OI number to be surrounded by quotes in the json itself.


$insert SRPJSONX
Json  = '{'
Json := '    "employees": ['
Json := '        {'
Json := '            "firstname": "John",'
Json := '            "lastname": "Doe",'
Json := '            "age": 21'
Json := '        },'
Json := '        {'
Json := '            "firstname": "Anna",'
Json := '            "lastname": "Smith",'
Json := '            "age": 32'
Json := '        },'
Json := '        {'
Json := '            "firstname": "Peter",'
Json := '            "lastname": "Jones",'
Json := '            "age": 43'
Json := '        },'
Json := '    ],'
Json := '    "nums": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]'
Json := '    "active": true,'
Json := '    "alwaysnull": null,'
Json := '    "alwaysstring": "4.321"'
Json := '}'
SRP_JsonX_Parse('MyDocument', json)

    // Change an existing value
    SRP_JsonX_Set('employees[1].age', 54)
    // Set a value that doesn't exist yet
    SRP_JsonX_Set('new', 'hello')
NewJson = SRP_JsonX_End('Pretty')